
How Processed Foods Can Affect Your Health

The post is from  and discusses a disturbing trend. Recently, I was meeting a friend at a park over lunch, and I noticed a really disturbing trend. Almost everyone there was opening a package or box for their lunch. As you are probably aware, multiple concerns have been raised about processed foods, including the abundance of processed foods and the dangers they pose. In fact, in a recent study, more than 60 percent of the food purchased annually in America is highly processed. As evidence mounts linking over-consumption of these products to major health consequences, highly processed foods are becoming a concerning trend. These findings are not meant to imply that you binge on processed foods, it simply means that if your eating mostly processed foods you're not getting enough nutrition in your diet and you can't make up for the lack of nutrition with pills. Some basic food processing is necessary to ensure the safety of perishable items, such as fresh m

Why Visceral Fat the Worst?

Great post from  tells us about the different fats in our body and which ones are dangerous to our health. Visceral fat is adipose tissue (fat tissue) that surrounds your vital organs. Visceral adipose tissue is located deep inside your body and is sometimes referred to as belly fat. If you have too much visceral fat, you may be at higher risk for certain health conditions and diseases. The Definition of Visceral Since visceral fat is often called belly fat, you might wonder why we use the term "visceral" to describe it. The reason is that there are two different kinds of fat in your belly and visceral fat is only one of them. In a health setting, the word visceral means in or near your vital organs (your viscera). These are the organs deep in your gut, like your stomach and your intestines. Visceral muscles are found in the walls of your visceral organs. Visceral fat surrounds those organs. Since your vital organs are located in your midsection, visc

Cheat Meals; Good or Bad?

I’m talking about up to 30% more calories from certain foods.  It works like this: Nutrient-dense foods tend to be more complex. Take proteins, for instance. It takes more energy for your body to digest and use protein than it does for simpler foods like sugars. The effect of eating protein is the highest of all foods. What I mean is after eating protein, your metabolic rate will increase by approximately 30 percent. In other words, if you eat 100 calories of protein, 30 of those will be burned just digesting and using the protein. By comparison, carbohydrates are typically around 10 percent, and fat is just 5 percent.   Proteins are primarily used as our body's— building blocks. They are most abundant in animal products—lean meats, egg whites, and low-fat cottage cheese are great protein sources. (Protein is also found, to a lesser degree, in beans, nuts, and various grains for you vegetarians out there.) Proteins are found in every cell in our bodies. Our muscles, hair, skin

Get Off Junk Food

I reblogged this post from  because I do think this post has merit, but I'm not a fan of this way of changing what your eating. I tried to move gradually into a healthy diet but I found it didn't work, I'd always return to my old diet. I understand that some people know they have to change what they eat, but they don't like giving up their favorite foods. On Friday nights I would always have pizza out with a couple beers and I enjoyed that. I enjoy the food and the meal with my friends. I don't like giving that up, and when I think about my social life, most of it is about eating out with my friends and meals with my extended family. How do I give that up? If you eat healthy 90% of the time, you don't have to give up your social life. I eased into my new food plan over several months. But you do understand the longer it takes you do completely make the change the slower the results of eating healthy will affect change on your body. So if 4 day

What Is Fatigue?

This might sound like I'm off topic by writing about a medical condition, but if it affects weight loss, that's my business.  Fatigue is common among people trying to lose weight and it's a major cause of people quitting their battle with weight loss. I found that most of the problems people have with fatigue can all be caused by their diet. Over a long period of time, usually years, a poor diet of foods with little or no nutritional value will cause illnesses that cause fatigue.  For instance, if your gaining weight over time breathing can be more difficult and you'll take in less oxygen into your blood causing fatigue. This all stems from not getting enough exercise. Also, a poor diet will cause a lack of nutrition that will cause a lack of energy which is also a form of fatigue. There are numerous potential causes of fatigue. They range from those that cause poor blood supply to the body's tissues to illnesses that affect  metabolism , from infections and

Are You Tired Of The Ups and Downs Of Yo-Yo Dieting?

Anyone who has been on a diet knows the real challenge comes later when you've got to fight tooth and nail to keep from regaining the lost weight. Now, a new trial finds that regular "diet coaching" may help keep the weight off. People were more likely to maintain successful weight loss if they took part in a series of post-diet coaching sessions conducted mostly by phone. Dieters who received coaching had only regained about a pound and half, on average, a year after their initial weight loss. Successful dieters who received no follow-up coaching regained about 5 pounds. Typically, most people tend to regain weight at a rate of about 2 to 4 pounds a year, the study authors said in background notes. "The program did slow the rate of regain over that period." Previous research has shown that people who are taught specific behavioral skills can better maintain weight loss. Many weight-loss programs feature one or more of these strategies, but

Losing Weight is All About Diet and Lifestyle

Lifestyle has a major impact on energy levels and well being. Attention and care make a big difference to your life. Losing only 10% of your body fat will make a big difference in your energy level. The main ingredients of the healthy lifestyle are listed below. EXERCISE We have forgotten about the “host”, our body, being one of our greatest defenses against becoming ill. In fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body healthy. Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. Here are the major health benefits of a modest exercise program. WEIGHT LOSS LOWER  BLOOD PRESSURE STRONGER BONES  AND A DECREASED RISK OF  OSTEOPOROSIS ELEVATED LEVELS OD GOOD HDL  CHOLESTEROL DECREASED LEVEL OF BAD LDL CHOLESTEROL DECREASED LEVELS OF  TRIGLYCERIDE (FATS) INCREASED STRENGTH AND COORDINATION, WHICH LEADS TO A DECREASE IN THE RISK OF FALLS IMPROVED SENSITIVITY TO  INSULIN ENHANCEMENT OF THE  IMMUNE SYSTEM OVERALL INCREASE IN ONE&