Are You Tired Of The Ups and Downs Of Yo-Yo Dieting?

Anyone who has been on a diet knows the real challenge comes later when you've got to fight tooth and nail to keep from regaining the lost weight.
Now, a new trial finds that regular "diet coaching" may help keep the weight off.
People were more likely to maintain successful weight loss if they took part in a series of post-diet coaching sessions conducted mostly by phone.

Dieters who received coaching had only regained about a pound and half, on average, a year after their initial weight loss. Successful dieters who received no follow-up coaching regained about 5 pounds.

Typically, most people tend to regain weight at a rate of about 2 to 4 pounds a year, the study authors said in background notes.
"The program did slow the rate of regain over that period."
Previous research has shown that people who are taught specific behavioral skills can better maintain weight loss.

Many weight-loss programs feature one or more of these strategies, but they are rarely combined and usually are emphasized during the initial weight-loss period, not as a part of long-term maintenance.

Most of the above information is from a post on This proves that programs like Weight Watchers over a long per of time can help you regain your weight. These programs that provide counseling can be the answer for those of us that fight the yo-yo battle. 
Permanently changing your lifestyle will keep you from regaining but how many of us can do that? Most dieters return to their old eating habits and regain the weight loss the first year.

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