Can Excess Body Fat Cause Cancer?

Yes, it's proven in several different studies done by many different health organizations all over the world that excess body fat can cause Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer, but that's only the Cancers that have been positively proven. Many other Cancers are attributed to a poor diet. A poor diet will cause a lack of nutrition that over time will cause diseases to enter the body and combined with lack of exercise, which can simply be from too much sitting and not enough walking, will keep the immune system from fighting diseases and so Cancers can invade the body and grow in size. All of us have Cancer cells in our body but our immune system will control the cancer cells and keep them from growing unless you aren't getting enough nutrition and then the cancer cells are able to grow.
1out of 3 people today will get cancer in their lifetime. And 2 out of 3 adults are overweight.

I wrote in a previous post about Ideal body weight; "How can I find my Ideal Body Weight?" In order to avoid Cancers caused by being overweight, most Doctors will tell you to reduce your weight to the lowest end of the scale that is recommended for you. I can give you an easier way to find that perfect weight.

Remember when you were 20 years old, do you remember how much you weighed? When a person is fully grown, which usually happens between the ages of 18 and 22, that's your ideal weight. You should maintain that weight throughout your adult life. Now, I know that sounds impossible. It might be more like 18 for women and 22 for men and your organs might take a year or so longer to fully develop, but the range is close enough. As you gain weight over the years you're putting extra stress on your body and aging your body faster than your years.

New Studies recommend that adults remain as lean as possible through their adult years. The fact is that putting on weight can increase your risk for cancer, even if you're still within the healthy range. So the best advice for cancer prevention is to avoid weight gain, and if your already overweight aim to lose weight.

Avoiding certain foods in your diet will also help you avoid cancer. For instance, there's evidence now that processed meats including ham and bacon will cause colorectal cancer. If you consume any of these, do it sparingly. Red Meat is also a big cause of colorectal cancer and should be eaten sparingly. You should not eat more than 500 grams a week of meat cooked or about 1 pound a week, that's about 1 1/2 pounds of raw meat.

Dietary supplements are not recommended for cancer prevention. There's more evidence than ever before that drinking alcohol will increase your chances for cancer.

The findings of this report is a real milestone in the fight against cancer. These recommendations are not based on just one study, but these findings are compiled from the findings of 7000 different studies. In trials around the country, progress has already been made in school children by tackling obesity with improved physical conditioning and healthier lunches. The best improvement has been in grade school where the new diets in the lunch program have been a big success.

Losing body fat will lessen your chances for cancer and also increase your lifespan. There should be more talk about the importance of losing body fat, increasing your activity and eating healthy.

On earth, we have all this food that grows naturally and for some very odd reason, we prefer the manufactured food.
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