
Lose That Belly Fat

Discover 5 reasons why guys should lose weight, from a better sex life to banishing low testosterone and back pain.Vanity might be enough to motivate men to lose a beer belly, but good health is reason to lose extra weight, too. According to David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, shedding that extra layer of belly fat can have a profound impact on how you look, feel, and perform in all areas of your life. Here are just a few ways that belly fat can mess with your health, as well as reasons why taking it off can help make your RealAge up to 3 years younger. Losing Belly Fat Can Enhance Your Sex Life That's right: Losing weight will improve your sex life. Researchers found that obese people were 25 times more likely to report sexual problems than normal-weight folks. "Being heavier is going to interfere with self-esteem and the comfort of sexual activity," Katz says. Being overweight can also cause erectile dys...

Why Should I Pay Attention To My Weight?

Think back to High School, those years when you were still growing and then remember when you were out of school or in College and were fully grown. For most people that about 18 to 22 years of age. You reach your full height first and the organs are still developing but generally by age 22 your fully developed. That the size your body should remain throughout adulthood. Your organs are developed for that size body and once your fully grown, your organs aren't going to change. By adding more weight to that body your straining all the parts of your body. Your straining your joints, straining your heart, overworking your kidneys and liver. The more weight you add the more you're aging your body. But adding fat is not genetic, you don't inherit fat. When we say "genetic makeup" we're talking about the things you inherit from your ancestors. The color of your eyes, the shape of your toes, the way your brain works and the way you store your fat. Now that doesn...

Do You Want To Live Longer?

There are lots of pills and other drugs you can buy to help you live longer, but the truth is that the best ways to live a longer, healthier life are free. Make changes in the way you live your life and you can extend your life and have a better quality of life then you may have thought possible. Most important I think is to have many friends, the more the better. They give you a purpose of being. They'll keep you from becoming depressed. You might not think that's a big deal, but as a senior, if you lose a close friend it can really shake up your world. This is when having lots of friends pays off. We all know that people will pass on, that's just part of life. But if it's a close friend you can become seriously depressed to the point that you don't want to go on. With your other friends to fall back on you'll still have the companionship you need and that gives you  purpose. Another thing that's on the top of any list, is your health. If your going to ...

Five Small Meals A Day

If you're someone who deals with stress fairly often (who doesn't?), here's something you may not know: your body produces a hormone called cortisol in response to chronic stress which is associated with causing excess belly flab. The more cortisol you have, the more belly fat you typically gain. Now get this: The New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that individuals who consumed mini-meals spaced three hours apart each day actually decreased their cortisol levels by 17 percent compared to those who ate the same amount of food in only three meals per day. And here’s some even better news… This cortisol-blunting, fat-burning effect occurred in just 14 days. So if you want to take control of your body’s cortisol levels, one thing you can do is to simply start eating a small mini-meal every three hours to reduce cortisol up to 17 percent on your own. That's just one of quite a few benefits to eating five mini-meals a day, spaced three hours a...

Lack of exercise maybe the main cause of Obesity

The government likes to fund lots of studies on the subject of "Obesity". But I don't see any effort to educate young people on nutrition, proper eating habits, which foods they need to eat and why, and finally, lack of exercise and the long-term problems it causes. This should be taught all through Grammar school and Middle school. I think you have to catch the student early on while they are still listening to the teacher. Some thing can be taught at age 6, but more advanced subjects like the "lack of exercise" should probably be taught in Middle School. I think the real idea is to have manitory health classes all through the school years. Keep young people thinking about their health. We'll become a healthier and more productive population. TUESDAY, July 8, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Lack of exercise -- and not a tendency to eat too much -- may explain why an increasing number of Americans are obese, a new study suggests. Personally, I think it's a ...

Choosing a Weight Loss Program

When you're looking for a weight loss program, it's wise to look for one that will meet your needs and set you up for long-term success. In general, look for programs that focus on steady weight loss -- about 1-2 pounds a week. While you're choosing a program, ask these questions: Does the staff include qualified counselors and health professionals such as registered dietitians, doctors, and exercise physiologists? Even if it's an online course. How limited are the food choices? Too Limited is not good. Who sets your weight loss goal: you, or someone else? The answer to this is both. This is a goal that most people will get wrong. That's one reason so many people fail and quit. What percentage of people complete the program? What is the average weight loss among people who finish the program and at one year? Do people who complete the program keep off the weight. This is a credical part, you want a plan were most people have succeeded. What percenta...

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Did you know that there are 3 letters on food labels that you MUST avoid, especially if they're at the beginning of the list of ingredients? Those letters are OSE. Let me explain. You see, spotting sugar on food labels isn't quite as easy as it once was. Yep, now that food manufacturers are aware that consumers of the current day are much more discerning than those of yesteryear, they're doing everything they can to disguise sugar on their lists of ingredients. These days, it's not likely that you'll see "sugar" at the forefront of an ingredients list, but instead you'll see these code names: fructose maltose glucose sucrose And the worst of the worst, high fructose corn syrup. If you see any of the above -ose words in the first 3 or 4 ingredients on a food label, rest assured that product is LOADED with sugar and you should be avoiding it. Beyond that, I'll go as far to say that if a product contains high fructose corn syrup (the ...