Lack of exercise maybe the main cause of Obesity

The government likes to fund lots of studies on the subject of "Obesity". But I don't see any effort to educate young people on nutrition, proper eating habits, which foods they need to eat and why, and finally, lack of exercise and the long-term problems it causes. This should be taught all through Grammar school and Middle school. I think you have to catch the student early on while they are still listening to the teacher. Some thing can be taught at age 6, but more advanced subjects like the "lack of exercise" should probably be taught in Middle School. I think the real idea is to have manitory health classes all through the school years. Keep young people thinking about their health. We'll become a healthier and more productive population.

TUESDAY, July 8, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- Lack of exercise -- and not a tendency to eat too much -- may explain why an increasing number of Americans are obese, a new study suggests. Personally, I think it's a combination of both, over eating and lack of exercise but read on because this writer makes a good argument.

Researchers analyzed U.S. government data from the last 20 years and found that the number of women who reported no physical activity rose from about 19 percent in 1994 to nearly 52 percent in 2010. The number of men who said they didn't exercise increased from about 11 percent to about 43 percent.

Black and Mexican-American women showed the greatest decreases in reported exercise, the study authors found.

During the study period, there was an increase in adults' average body mass index (BMI), an estimate of body fat based on height and weight, with the most dramatic rise among women aged 18 to 39. The researchers also found increased rates of abdominal obesity, especially among women.

At the same time, calorie intake among adults remained steady during the study period, according to the findings reported recently in the American Journal of Medicine.

While the investigators found an association between inactivity and the obesity epidemic, the study did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

"Our findings do not support the popular notion that the increase of obesity in the United States can be attributed primarily to sustained increase over time in the average daily caloric intake of Americans," lead investigator Dr. Uri Ladabaum, an associate professor of medicaid at Stanford University School of Medicine, said in a journal news release.

"Although the overall trends in obesity in the United States are well appreciated and obesity prevalence may be stabilizing, our analyses highlight troublesome trends in younger adults, in women, and in abdominal obesity prevalence, as well as persistent racial/ethnic disparities," Ladabaum added.

Pamela Powers Hannley, journal managing editor, wrote in an accompanying commentary: "If we as a country truly want to take control of our health and our health care costs, [this study] should be our clarion call. From encouraging communities to provide safe places for physical activity to ensuring ample supply of healthy food to empowering Americans to take control of their health, we must launch a concerted comprehensive effort to control obesity."

-- Robert Preidt

Yes, I agree we need to control Obesity, but I differ in the way to do it. I do think that the population in general does need to exercise more, but as a society on a whole we consume too much of the wrong kinds of food. Snack foods and sugary drinks are becoming a main stay in the average persons diet. For most young people vegetables has become a four letter word. And I don't thing most people under 40 know anything about nutrition. So, if this study can't see that a poor diet combined with lack of exercise is the problem, I think they missed the boat. After a comprehensive educational program is put in place and we live through a generation we'll see a big difference.


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