Do You Want To Live Longer?

There are lots of pills and other drugs you can buy to help you live longer, but the truth is that the best ways to live a longer, healthier life are free. Make changes in the way you live your life and you can extend your life and have a better quality of life then you may have thought possible.

Most important I think is to have many friends, the more the better. They give you a purpose of being. They'll keep you from becoming depressed. You might not think that's a big deal, but as a senior, if you lose a close friend it can really shake up your world. This is when having lots of friends pays off. We all know that people will pass on, that's just part of life. But if it's a close friend you can become seriously depressed to the point that you don't want to go on. With your other friends to fall back on you'll still have the companionship you need and that gives you  purpose.

Another thing that's on the top of any list, is your health. If your going to live a full life you want to stay healthy so first of all if you're a smoker, quit if you haven't already. Something that goes hand in hand with smoking is stress. If you can manage your stress, it's easier to quit smoking. Stress is caused by many things. Pain causes stress, worrying causes stress. Sometimes you have to seek advice about controlling stress, but stress is a major contributor to heart disease and coronary problems.

I exercise to control my stress. My stress affects my muscles and I get stiff necks, and muscle cramps. Stretching relaxes me and I can sleep better. People that worry have a different type of stress, the worst kind. Worrying will depress you and cause you to do very little. When your mind is constantly worrying about something your to busy doing that and you're not interested in taking care of yourself. For some reason your mind thinks it's more important to worry then to go about the job of living. Most people who are preoccupied worrying never find a way to deal with the problem. They're problems that they can't do anything about. But that doesn't seem to matter to them, they keep worrying anyway.

If you want to live a longer life, manage your stress and learn not to worry, it will destroy your life. Concentrate on your health. See a doctor a couple of times a year, just to see how you're doing. Nap in the afternoon, it helps lower your stress level. Losing weight will help your heart last longer. Losing weight will give you pep and energy you forgot you have.  Do some exercise everyday, walking can be the best form of exercise and will help you lose weight. One hour a day of walking is good for your heart, helps circulation and is good for your joints. Taking pills for arthritis pain is a temporary fix, but walking more actually and doing other joint exercise will take the place of those pills and is good for the heart and circulation, who knew.

Changing your diet will also keep you healthy. Follow the Mediterranean Diet. It's centuries old, there's lots of information about the diet, but it's not really a diet. It's a way of eating the Mediterranean people have been doing since the ancient Greeks. And after 3 or 4000 years, our generation has finally decided that they might have been doing it right. You can read about this diet on my other website:

You might be surprised but married people live longer, even if their spouse dies, the other one lives a longer life then someone who never married.

Being a religious person helps you to live longer and forgiving people who you might be mad at. Holding a grudge only adds stress to your life and shortens your life span.

Maintain purpose in your life, you need a reason to get up in the morning. Seniors still have a lot of living to do, don't be a spectator.


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