Is It Better Exercise Outdoors?

I found this on, a medical website and it’s worth talking about. I always wonder about the thousands of people who give-up on losing weight. Why would you want to give up? Exercising outdoors can improve your mood and put more oxygen in your blood. Once your accustomed to your exercise routine and want to do it every day, it does make much difference. I exercise outdoors weather permitting, which is different for everyone so don’t woory about it just do the workout. Some just get bored easily indoors, some people just have other commitments that come up. Some people get sick, and some get discouraged when they don’t loss any weight. The outdoor workout can keep you inspired. It’s a fact that people who exercise outdoors stay with the program longer, loss more weight and are happier. I know you can’t always be outdoors but try to exercise outdoor whenever possible. Breathing in clean, fresh air can put more oxygen in your blood and make you feel better. Why O...