Why Do We Regain Weight Loss?

There’s a few ways that are a common cause of weight gain. I’ll go over a few because this is the time of year that we all try to lose a few pounds after the holidays. And most of us do lose a few pounds but 9 out of 10 will regain the weight by the end of the year. 1. Unrealistic Diets This may be the number one reason we regain weight. An unrealistic diet is one that you can only do for a short time like a “cleanse”. You drop 10 pounds, you think that’s great and go back to eating the same diet you had before. Except now you picked up some new eating habits over the holidays like roll and coffee at a coffee shop near work, or stopping at a drive-thru on the way to work to pick up some pastries for the break room. Before the holidays you would have never done this, but everyone is rushed during the holidays. You have to cram in all that Christmas shopping. We normally do some of that during our lunch break, so we are eating more snack food to compensate for the lunch we had to sk...