Even One High-Fat Meal Can Damage Your Liver

This is a good article. I wrote about this in an e-book I published. A high-fat meal can overload your liver. What that means is that once the liver has a high percentage of fat to process, the liver will slow down. The liver can become loaded to the point where it oozes fat from it's pores like your skin when it sweats. This allows unprocessed fat to enter the blood stream.
People need to realize that when your body is adding fat around your waist something is wrong. The body is not working properly.
Over time, rapid effect of 'fat loading' meals could contribute to disease, researchers say.
By Randy Dotinga
HealthDay Reporter
Eating a high-fat meal -- say, a cheeseburger and fries or a pepperoni pizza -- disrupts liver function, a new, small study reveals.
Researchers found that the high levels of saturated fat found in such rich foods immediately alter the work of the liver, possibly setting the body up for serious disease down the line.
"The effects mimic the abnormalities seen in people with severe metabolic disease," said study co-author Dr. Michael Roden, referring to conditions like fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.
"Our findings paint the picture of the earliest changes in liver metabolism leading to fatty liver diseases and liver cirrhosis in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes," said Roden. He's scientific director of the German Diabetes Center at Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf.
How long these metabolic alterations last after people indulge in a rich meal isn't clear.
The liver plays a crucial role in processing the fats and carbohydrates people eat.
In some cases when fatty foods are repeatedly eaten to excess, fats accumulate and cause a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver. There's a limit to the amount of fat your liver can process per meal. That's the reason we should only eat small quantities of meat at a meal and then give the liver time to process that meal. Eating a big meal and then snacking a couple hours later, even if it's just chips or crackers which also contain fat, will overload the liver and cause a fatty liver even if it's only temporary.
This condition has ballooned along with the U.S. obesity epidemic and is thought to affect as many as 25 percent of people in the United States. It can lead to cirrhosis, a serious condition characterized by scarring of the liver.
Dr. Hannele Yki-Jarvinen is professor of medicine at the University of Helsinki in Finland. "We know diets high in saturated fat make the liver fatty," she said.
"Saturated fats such as in butter, fatty cheeses, and coconut oil are thus the worst thing to eat from the liver perspective," said Yki-Jarvinen, co-author of a commentary accompanying the new study.
For the study, the researchers assigned 14 healthy, lean young men to consume a placebo or a dose of palm oil that varied according to their weight. The palm oil provided levels of saturated fat equivalent to that from an eight-slice pepperoni pizza or a cheeseburger with large fries, the report said. If you're not aware, palm oil is the preferred cooking oil of most restaurants. It's used in high-heat cooking.
This "fat loading" caused the liver to produce 70 percent more glucose, which could boost blood sugar levels over time, Roden said. Potentially, this could contribute to insulin sensitivity -- a precursor to type 2 diabetes.
As you get older all the bad eating habits you accrued over the years will catch up with you. It would be wise to change to a healthy meal plan and to do some reading about diet and nutrition. You can be someone who will enjoy retirement or someone who is just trying to get by.
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