What Does A 1200 Calorie a Day Diet Look Like?


What 1,200 Calories Looks Like [Infographic]
I'm re-blogging this from MyFitnessPal and I want to comment on this before you read it. It's a good post because it shows you what's possible and the variety you can have on a low-cal diet. I want to comment on this because I want you to understand that it's rough trying to cut your calories in half all at once. 
Whenever you cut calories and hold that lower calorie intake for an extended period, your body will adjust and after about two weeks you'll stop losing weight. This is normal, your body will always make adjustments on calorie burn to keep you from losing too much weight.

You should understand that body doesn't know that you have too much fat. If you want to lose fat you have to trick your body so it doesn't know that you're trying to lose weight. Personally, I don't like low-cal diets, it's too much like starvation. I lost my body fat by changing the food I was eating. But this post is still worth a read. The problem is that a heavy person who is 50 pounds overweight isn't going to survive on a diet like this. If I had 20 pounds to lose this diet would work for a few weeks and then you'd have to add a few more calories to give you more energy. 

OK, first things first: 1,200 calories per day is not a lot. If your goal is weight loss, it’s close to the minimum the National Institutes of Health recommends for women, and it is literally the lowest count recommended for men. Dipping too far below this range isn’t safe or healthy, and MyFitnessPal follows suit when you’re setting your weight-loss program. So if this is your target, the idea of eating 1,200 calories per day can seem pretty daunting.
The good news is it doesn’t mean you have to survive on rice cakes and boiled chicken, either — you really can eat a variety of satiating and nutrient-rich foods. Here’s a sample menu that illustrates how delicious and satisfying 1,200 calories can be. (Scroll to the bottom for how to make lunch and dinner.)
How to make…
Mediterranean chicken salad: 2 cups spinach, 1/3 cup chickpeas, 1/2 cup chopped cucumber, 1/4 cup chopped tomatoes, 3 oz. chicken breast, 1 tbsp. feta cheese, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Shrimp, veggie and avocado tacos: 2 corn tortillas, 4 oz. shrimp, 1/2 cup shredded lettuce, 1/4 cup chopped tomato, 2 tbsp. salsa, 1/4 avocado.

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