Staying Fit Over 40

This blog post spells it out. This doctor tells us what he does to live a healthy, fit lifestyle. Most professionals today are well schooled and not kids anymore. It takes a lot of education and a lot of money to rise up in your profession. Anyone who has 4 years of college and then 4 more years getting a post-grad degree knows he'll be working for a long time. My brother has a law degree and after many years in his own practice was asked to be a judge in the county where he lives.  He now hears mostly criminal cases and will probably work into his 70's. This isn't unusual, I know doctors and dentists that will do the same. Professionals have a lot of time and money invested in their career and simply working to 65 doesn't always work out.
Today a professional or executive doesn't reach their earnings peak until later in life and then just to quit because you're 65 is pretty stupid. This blog is about a doctor who is staying fit to be able to continue with that middle age lifestyle as long as possible.
salad at work
It always amazes me how much work it takes to simply maintain my health – and each year past 40 it seems to get harder. So, I’ve made some changes over the past few years to my diet, especially my workweek meals. They’re small changes, but since I’ve been consistent (for the most part), they’ve really helped.
Here are some of the tricks that are working for me:
Stick to a routine: I’ve read routine is a key player in weight management, and I don’t have any extra calories to waste. So, I eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning during the workweek. I make a big batch of whole oats (more fiber than instant oats) and add almonds, walnuts, raisins, and cinnamon. I measure everything, so my portions (and calories) are controlled and consistent. And, then I divide it into 6 bottles so in the morning all I have to do is heat it up and go. It’s tasty, and the best part is I’m full until lunch!
Cut back where I can: I’m a coffee drinker, and for years added artificial creamer (I’m lactose intolerant). But when I learned about the trans-fat in the creamer, I went cold turkey and cut out the creamer (and sugar!). It took a little while to get used to it, but I love my black coffee now! Never going back. I have a second cup of coffee in the early afternoon. I’d like to cut out the coffee to not be so dependent on the caffeine, but I’m not fighting it at the moment.
Bring my lunch: I’m on again, off again with how strict I am with lunch, but my WebMD lunch buddies are a pretty good influence. I bring my lunch from home most days and sit in our kitchen area to chat with coworkers. I like to eat a green salad every day plus a bean or lentil dish, or whatever food is left over from my fridge.
Variety at dinner: While I’m pretty regimented and routine with my meals during the day, I need variety during dinner with my family. Over the years I’ve collected many tasty recipes originating from around the world. I have a formula for the ingredients I choose when making my weekly meal plan. Every weeknight is a different protein – either red meat, poultry, seafood, or a bean/lentil dish. And for carbs I do the same – it’s either rice, a pita or roti; a pasta (high fiber!); or a starchy vegetable like peas, corn, and potatoes. And, of course, every night we have a colorful veggie side. Of course, some weeks, schedules are crazy and the formula goes out the door – but I try!
Think Mediterranean: I look to the Mediterranean diet for all the various food ingredients I’ve added to my diet. A lot of my focus over the years has been to add nuts/seeds, beans/lentils, and fish to my diet. I’m always trying to increase the quantity and variety of vegetables I eat. And I’ve cut down on red meat a lot! I do tend to run short on dairy, but I try to get a little cheese and yogurt in most days.
Save restaurants for special occasions: I don’t eat out at restaurants much, and when I do, I want it to be because I’m craving a certain food, or it’s a social event – not because I don’t have any food at home to cook. To be honest, I have a tough time ordering healthy when I’m out – I’d rather just order what I want to eat. But, I’m getting better: if I really want the Reuben, I get a half sandwich with a salad, rather than the full sandwich with chips. Like I said earlier, it’s about small changes
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