Cut Calories and Lengthen Your Life.

Cut Calories, Lengthen Life Span? Study found middle-aged adults who reduced their intake showed slower biological aging By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter - Limiting calorie intake may slow aging, a new study suggests. Previous research has shown that calorie restrictions slow aging in worms, flies, and mice, so Duke University researchers wanted to see if it could slow biological aging in people. "Biological aging is the gradual and progressive deterioration of systems in the body that occurs with advancing chronological age," said study author Daniel Belsky, an assistant professor of medicine at Duke, in Durham, N.C. "If we can intervene to slow the rate of biological aging, it may be possible to prevent or at least delay onset for many age-related diseases and disabilities," he explained in a university news release. The researchers looked at 145 people who achieved a 12 percent reduction in calorie intake over two years and a...