Popular Diets That Can Harm Your Health

I have written about this in post articles, but everyone can not lose weight on the same diet. Everyone different and we all have medical condition that prevent you from losing weight normally. In other words, your body will control your weight if you eat properly and have a normal amount of physical activity. So when your increasing body fat or gaining weight as an adult, your body is trying to tell you that you have a problem. It's up to you to fix the problem. Your body is merely giving you the warning signs. The following post is from http://WebMD.com and will explain how some well-known diets can cause you more problems than just your weight.
Your friend lost weight on the Paleo diet. Your mom slimmed down on the Military Diet. Your sister is reaching her weight loss goals with the Wheat Belly and 13-day diet. Now it's your turn to get trim. Should you follow in the footsteps of your friends and family? No, not necessarily. Those popular programs could be turn out to be a diet disaster for you.
Why Some Popular Diets Fail
Just because a weight loss plan is popular doesn't mean that it will work for every dieter all the time.
In fact, most diets fail eventually. Up to 80 percent of dieters regain the weight that they lose. Many dieters return to their previous eating habits and the pounds come back. In some cases, they put on more than they lost.
Given this fact, it is essential that you choose an eating plan that fits your personal needs and lifestyle over the long haul. You need to be realistic about your eating habits and about what you can and cannot give up before you invest any time or money into a weight loss program. For example, here are some popular diets and the reasons why they may not work for you.
Popular Diets That May Not Work
The Wheat Belly Diet. Millions of copies of this book have been sold. Dieters swear by the recommendations of author William Davis, M.D. He encourages his followers to eliminate wheat in order to improve overall health and slim down. But is it right for you? If your favorite food is bread, then the answer is no.
If you love the foods that Wheat Belly plan eliminates from your diet, you're better off limiting the intake of those foods rather than removing them from your diet altogether. A more reasonable approach is often safer than a risky "all or nothing" tactic. You could easily gain weight if you fall off the wagon and overindulge.
The Paleo Diet. This diet also called the caveman diet, is popular among heavy exercisers, especially those who participate in popular CrossFit programs. According to the website, dieters on the Paleo plan eat grass-fed meats, certain cuts of fish that contain healthy fats, fresh produce, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Dieters avoid a wide range of foods including anything processed, dairy products, cereal grains, potatoes, and salt. While the foods allowed on the diet are decent healthy foods, some dieters who are constantly on the go may struggle to maintain this fairly restrictive plan.
The Military Diet. Dieters who want to lose weight fast often go on The Military Diet. This popular 3-day program (that has no connection to the military) advertises that you can lose 10 pounds in the first week and 30 pounds in the first month as long as you follow the program exactly. But you'll be eating primarily saltines, tuna, hot dogs, and grapefruit. On your four "off" days you need to restrict your intake to 1,200-1,500 calories of lean protein, fruits, and veggies. The plan is simply not reasonable for most people for the long term.
Gluten-Free Diet. People with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease follow a gluten-free diet for better health. But many others are choosing a gluten-free diet for weight loss. Can it work for you if you're trying to lose weight? Probably not, especially if you love the many foods that contain gluten.
Going cold turkey on cereal, bread products, crackers, and other gluten-containing products may not be realistic for people who have made those foods a regular part of their everyday diets. In addition, whole grains, like wheat can be an important part of a healthy diet. Of course, many companies are now making gluten-free varieties of popular snacks and treats. But many of them are full of sugar, starch and calories – not necessarily healthy replacements for gluten.
Juicing/Smoothies/Liquid Diets. Eliminating whole food altogether sounds like such a simple idea, which is why juicing, smoothies, and other liquid meal replacements are appealing to many dieters. But even though these weight loss plans are simple, there are significant downsides to juicing and so-called "healthy" smoothies aren't good for your diet in some situations. If you are a person who really enjoys food – cooking it, tasting it and eating it, then liquid diets may not be the best solution for you.
Packaged Food Diets. Programs that offer packaged foods like Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem are popular among people who need a convenient eating program. But some of the meals on these programs are high in sodium, making them poor choices for dieters with high blood pressure. Portion sizes also tend to be very small. If you like to eat a lot of food or if you have special health concerns you might want to chat with a registered dietitian before investing in one of these plans.
Why Some Popular Diets Work
So why do these diets work for some people? In some cases, the programs align with the dieter's health needs and lifestyle. But in many cases, the plans are just creative ways to restrict calories. Weight loss can only occur if you change your energy balance. For example, a new gluten free dieter might lose 5 pounds because she ate less food overall, not necessarily because she ate less gluten.
In addition, when someone chooses to go on a diet, the simple act of focusing on their daily food intake often causes them to eat less. The success of the program, therefore has less to do with the specific program and more to do with a choice to make healthy eating a priority.
If you have made the decision to lose weight, invest some time into researching the best diet for you. That way, you'll only diet once and then enjoy a lifetime with a slimmer, trimmer body. Get it right the first time and save yourself a lifetime of aggravation.
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