Getting Older and Gaining Weight

When I was in my 20s, I believed that aging was a natural process that one should let happen, naturally. Why should people cover their gray or try to 'stay cool' by wearing hip clothes? They should just let things happen without fighting it. Twenty-something years later, I suddenly understand that the 'natural process of getting older' is like take a long walk off a short pier. There are some things we can't control as we get older, but one thing we can do something about is our weight. Our bodies may change, but there is something we can do about weight gain.
Why We Gain Weight As We Age
Most people think that gaining weight and getting older go hand in hand, but the reason we gain weight isn't just about getting older, it's about how our habits change. Many of us gain weight because we:
Become more sedentary (we are less active)
Don't lift weights to maintain muscle mass (your muscles get flabby)
While there are some elements we can't control, most of the weight gain that comes with aging can be avoided with a little exercise and improved eat habits.
What You Can Do
The main reason for muscle loss, which lowers metabolism, is that we often spend way too much time sitting - we sit at work, we sit when we watch TV and we sit when we play around on the computer. If we spend too much time doing that when we're younger, it's that much harder to stop doing that when we get older. It follows that being active and lifting weights will help preserve your muscle and increase your bone density while maintaining a higher metabolism.
Before you get started, see your doctor, especially if you're on any medications or have any pain or injuries you're dealing with. Once you've got clearance to exercise, you can follow this basic approach to getting in shape:
Cardio Exercise: Choose any activity you enjoy or think you might enjoy with some practice like swimming, walking or cycling and try to do that activity at least 3 days a week. Start with what you can handle and gradually add time each week until you can do 30 minutes of continuous activity. More about Cardio for Beginners.
Lift weights: Strength training may be one of the most important parts of your exercise program. You'll build muscle and strength while also working on important areas like balance, stability and flexibility - all things that tend to decline with age. Learn more about how to get started.
Watch Your Diet: The most important aspect of managing your weight is your diet. Keeping track of your calories and sticking with healthy eating at least most of the time can help you avoid too much weight gain as you get older. Learn more about weight loss for older adults.
Be realistic: As you get older, it will take longer to lose weight, so it helps to focus on the process - getting your workouts in and eating as healthfully as possible. Do that and your body will respond in its own time.
If you find it hard to start or stick with an exercise program, motivate yourself by remembering what you do for your health when you exercise: you feel better, you look better, you reduce your chances of heart disease and diabetes and, best of all, you're doing what your body was meant to do: moving around.
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If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my Ebooks at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet.
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