
How To Finally Get Into Shape, Even If You Failed Before

  HOW TO FINALLY GET IN SHAPE, EVEN IF YOU'VE FAILED BEFORE Getting fit can seem like an impossible task. First, there's all the information you have to deal with -- someone telling you to do this program or that program or follow this diet instead of that diet.  Then there's the real work. Dealing with  cravings  when nothing sounds better than putting away a dozen donuts. And you can't forget  actually exercising , right?  What you may not realize is that on top of all of this, you actually have to fight your own brain when it comes to fitness. You see, for all the talk we do about how we'd like to change this or that, get fit, go on a diet, or whatever it is, most people prefer to stay the same. This isn't necessarily your fault; change is terrifying, and because of that, your brain uses a number of tricks to keep you the same. Here are three ways your brain is sabotaging your fitness goals, and how to fix those.  Your brain tells stories to make you believe

Eating Clean

  What does that mean? Good Question, this post will explain. Pick Whole Foods The basic idea of clean eating is to choose foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. So instead of boxed, bagged, or packaged foods, choose fresh, whole ones. Think whole turkey instead of frozen turkey meatballs or raw grapes instead of gummy snacks made with fruit juice. Bonus: When you avoid highly processed foods, like chips, cookies, and ready-to-eat meals, you skip their loads of calories, sugar, salt, and saturated fat. Load Up on Fruits and Veggies Clean foods are naturally low in salt and sugar, and adding them goes against the as-natural-as-possible approach. Since processed foods are a major source of sugar and salt, you can slash your intake when you avoid them. Otherwise, read food labels to look for added sweeteners and salt, even in foods that seem healthy, like yogurt or tomato sauce. Also, keep tabs on how much you add to your foods and drinks. Try flavoring with spices and

Dinnertime Diet Mistakes

 I’ll start with the one I think is the most important. As much as we know about healthy eating. Our dinner meal is still the biggest meal of the day. I realize that’s a hard habit to break but this is the most important. For some reason we are always to busy during the day to eat a proper meal. We race out of the house in the morning with a drink in our hand and that carries us until we get to work and if we can’t find anything else we get something in the snack machine. That carries us until break time when we get something else from the snack machine, than have some coffee and return to work. If we have time to go out to lunch, we usually end up at a drive-thru window somewhere and than hit the snack machine later in the afternoon.  By the time we get home we need some real food. Eating crap all day long has left your body crying for something better. The dinner is the only time we have to eat something healthy and most of us do, but is that one real meal going to make up for the wh

Quitting Sugar

  Anti-sugar fever seems to be on the rise. Last week, a friend who does not have type 2 diabetes asked me about my diabetes diet: “How many carbs can you eat without raising your blood sugar?” Another pal is on a 21-day cleanse – no sugars allowed. And folks in my neighborhood recently formed a support group for going cold turkey on sugar, which one member claimed is harder than giving up cigarettes: “No one wants you to smoke, but they’re happy to see you eat a slice of birthday cake.” With the publication of books like Gary Taubes’  The Case Against Sugar,  in which he indicts sugar for health problems like obesity, heart disease, and, of course, diabetes, the health-conscious are taking heed. I have to admit, all of the hysteria is kind of amusing to me. To treat my type 2 diabetes, I abandoned sugar ages ago, so not eating the sweet stuff is second nature to me now. Scanning labels for sugar’s aliases – glucose, simple syrup, fruit sweetener – has also become an ingrained habit. A

Unhealthy Diets Contribute to Premature Death

  Reblogged from I wrote about this same subject in my last post and then I found this article that confirms my findings. Unhealthy diets may have contributed to as many as 400,000 premature deaths from heart disease and strokes in 2015. And it’s not just the things you should be avoiding — such as salt and trans fats — that are contributing to these deaths. The excess deaths may also be caused by what’s missing in your diet — namely, nuts and seeds, vegetables and whole grains, the researchers said. I’ll also add that carrying the extra body fat is wearing out your body parts and also straining your organs. “Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, killing more people in 2015 than any other cause,” said lead researcher Dr. Ashkan Afshin of the University of Washington in Seattle. He’s an acting assistant professor of global health at the university’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. The study results suggest that nearly

Will Family Gatherings Add Fat To Your Body

I know this Holiday we are still dealing with the virus,  but we still had over one million travelers that will be at the airports, not what it was last year but it was the busiest travel day since last holiday season. No one will forget Mom or Grandma on Thanksgiving. I have a personal problem this holiday season; I can't have alcohol, or  caffeine and I should be watching my salt. The good news for all you on a diet; The first week, I lost 5 pounds and I'm not heavy.  I know all about eating too much at those family gathering. In this case we are talking about Thanksgiving.  Around my house or at anyone’s house that I know there is two parts to the big feast. First, we eat a huge dinner, sometimes three kinds of meat, two different types of dressing, two types of cranberries, several types of potatoes, and several different vegetables. The idea is that no one, no matter how fuzzy, will go way hungry. There is always something for everyone in unlimited quantities. Then comes t

How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight: 10 Benefits of Walking

This article is from a newsletter I subscribe to. It goes to prove that any amount of extra activity will improve your health. Being more active and improving your diet can help you remake your life. What’s not to love about the single best thing you can do for your health? The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other or doing some upper body exercise to get your blood pumping makes you healthier and gives you more energy. It  makes you feel younger. Plus, doing it lets you talk with friends, think through problems, and see what’s new in the neighborhood. And if you happen to have some new walking gear, walking lets you show it off. That’s just the beginning. Check out a few other great things walking does for you: 1. Fends off the #1 killer: Regular walkers have fewer heart attacks and strokes, have lower blood pressure, and have higher levels of healthy HDL cholesterol than couch sitters do. In one study of women, a regular walking program did just as much in the heart pr