Dinnertime Diet Mistakes

 I’ll start with the one I think is the most important. As much as we know about healthy eating. Our dinner meal is still the biggest meal of the day. I realize that’s a hard habit to break but this is the most important. For some reason we are always to busy during the day to eat a proper meal. We race out of the house in the morning with a drink in our hand and that carries us until we get to work and if we can’t find anything else we get something in the snack machine. That carries us until break time when we get something else from the snack machine, than have some coffee and return to work. If we have time to go out to lunch, we usually end up at a drive-thru window somewhere and than hit the snack machine later in the afternoon. 

By the time we get home we need some real food. Eating crap all day long has left your body crying for something better. The dinner is the only time we have to eat something healthy and most of us do, but is that one real meal going to make up for the whole day of sitting behind a desk or behind the wheel of a car or truck and eating nothing but junk. No it won’t. This is the worst time of the day to be eating a big meal. Your probably going to sit the rest of the day and all evening. Even if you have to go out again, you’re not going to get any exercise. 

After dark we go into a hibernation mode to get ready for sleep, so that food inside your belly will sit there all night and rot. You won’t have any appetite in the morning so you run out of the house with that drink in your hand and the cycle starts all over again. 

Ten years go by and your pants don’t fit or you have to buy a bigger size. You go see your doctor and he tells you that you weight 30 pounds than you did 5 years years ago and you scratch your head. It’s not always about that large meal at night, it a combination of things. 

We are all very busy people in this new world we live in. I’ve been retired now for about 5 years and I don’t know how I had time to work. I write blogs and volunteer at a Senior Learning Center show people how to use a computer and that’s only two days a week. I do workout but it’s hard to find time for that. Sometimes it’s 10 pm before I finish writing. 

I’m not complaining, I’m just stating a fact. We are all busy today even if you don’t have a regular job, but I find time for everything. Maybe I don’t watch as much TV as some people but I think of TV as a way to entertain yourself and the way I look at my life, “I have things to do” and if I don’t have time for entertainment then it will wait until I have time. I’m not going to make time just to entertain myself. 

I live a healthy lifestyle not because I took a class that taught me how, I did the work and read about how to live better and live healthy, now I do. Don’t wait to fix your life until you have nothing better to do. The longer you wait the more work it will be. 

I’m not telling you to exercise after dinner, that never works out well. Everyone will find a way to live healthy and eat healthy themselves. It will be different for everyone. I found a six-meal-a-day plan that worked well for me. You can find an example on the internet. The idea of eating more frequent is to eliminate food cravings. A lot of food cravings come from an addiction to things like salt and sugar. Food manufacturers got smart and found chemical substitutes for both of these. They can save money by using substitutes but also they can hide these things on the food label so you don’t know what’s really in the food your buying.

Now I just eat fresh foods and fresh seafood. I feel better about what I’m eating if I can make it myself. When I’m out of the house for the day I pack food and take it along. If I have to eat out, I’ll get a salad and use wine vinegar or lemon juice for seasoning. When you follow the six meal a day plan you want to make all the meals about the same size. I’m talking about the calorie count. As a rule of thumb, I use 300 calories per meal and ate every 3 hours. With the exercise program I followed all I needed was about 1800 calories a day. I saved all my calories for the food. I didn’t drink any calories. 

So if you want to lose body fat the key is to change your eating habits, the food your eating, don’t drink calories, don’t eat before bed, cut out salt, sodium, sugar, fructose of any kind. Stop the food addiction. 

Dinnertime Diet Mistakes

I’ll start with the one I think is the most important. As much as we know about healthy eating. Our dinner meal is still the biggest meal of the day. I realize that’s a hard habit to break but this is the most important. For some reason we are always to busy during the day to eat a proper meal. We race out of the house in the morning with a drink in our hand and that carries us until we get to work and if we can’t find anything else we get something in the snack machine. That carries us until break time when we get something else from the snack machine, than have some coffee and return to work. If we have time to go out to lunch, we usually end up at a drive-thru window somewhere and than hit the snack machine later in the afternoon. 

By the time we get home we need some real food. Eating crap all day long has left your body crying for something better. The dinner is the only time we have to eat something healthy and most of us do, but is that one real meal going to make up for the whole day of sitting behind a desk or behind the wheel of a car or truck and eating nothing but junk. No it won’t. This is the worst time of the day to be eating a big meal. Your probably going to sit the rest of the day and all evening. Even if you have to go out again, you’re not going to get any exercise. 

After dark we go into a hibernation mode to get ready for sleep, so that food inside your belly will sit there all night and rot. You won’t have any appetite in the morning so you run out of the house with that drink in your hand and the cycle starts all over again. 

Ten years go by and your pants don’t fit or you have to buy a bigger size. You go see your doctor and he tells you that you weight 30 pounds than you did 5 years years ago and you scratch your head. It’s not always about that large meal at night, it a combination of things. 

We are all very busy people in this new world we live in. I’ve been retired now for about 5 years and I don’t know how I had time to work. I write blogs and volunteer at a Senior Learning Center show people how to use a computer and that’s only two days a week. I do workout but it’s hard to find time for that. Sometimes it’s 10 pm before I finish writing. 

I’m not complaining, I’m just stating a fact. We are all busy today even if you don’t have a regular job, but I find time for everything. Maybe I don’t watch as much TV as some people but I think of TV as a way to entertain yourself and the way I look at my life, “I have things to do” and if I don’t have time for entertainment then it will wait until I have time. I’m not going to make time just to entertain myself. 

I live a healthy lifestyle not because I took a class that taught me how, I did the work and read about how to live better and live healthy, now I do. Don’t wait to fix your life until you have nothing better to do. The longer you wait the more work it will be. 

I’m not telling you to exercise after dinner, that never works out well. Everyone will find a way to live healthy and eat healthy themselves. It will be different for everyone. I found a six-meal-a-day plan that worked well for me. You can find an example on the internet. The idea of eating more frequent is to eliminate food cravings. A lot of food cravings come from an addiction to things like salt and sugar. Food manufacturers got smart and found chemical substitutes for both of these. They can save money by using substitutes but also they can hide these things on the food label so you don’t know what’s really in the food your buying.

Now I just eat fresh foods and fresh seafood. I feel better about what I’m eating if I can make it myself. When I’m out of the house for the day I pack food and take it along. If I have to eat out, I’ll get a salad and use wine vinegar or lemon juice for seasoning. When you follow the six meal a day plan you want to make all the meals about the same size. I’m talking about the calorie count. As a rule of thumb, I use 300 calories per meal and ate every 3 hours. With the exercise program I followed all I needed was about 1800 calories a day. I saved all my calories for the food. I didn’t drink any calories. 

So if you want to lose body fat the key is to change your eating habits, the food your eating, don’t drink calories, don’t eat before bed, cut out salt, sodium, sugar, fructose of any kind. Stop the food addiction. 

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If you want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. 
Look for my first book at Amazon.com, bn.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com and other online bookstores. Just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 
Look for my podcast by searching “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight” on the podcast app that you use. You’ll see a piece of my book cover.


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