
What Is Zapping Your Energy?

  Things that may be draining your energy without you even knowing it. First blogged on By  Carol Sorgen Sure, we all get draggy from time to time. A sleepless night here and there, a stressful day at the office or one too many doughnuts can take their toll. But when you’re constantly feeling drained, it might be time to look at what’s bringing you down. Check out these energy zappers and see how many apply to you. Sugar provides quick energy, but after picking you up, it drops you hard and leaves you looking for more, says Debi Silber, MS, RD. One key to cutting back on sugar is having the right food with you so you don’t head to the nearest vending machine. “The best intentions go out the window when you’re not prepared,” says Florida nutritionist Pamela Smith, RD. Smith tries to make sure she always has healthy snacks on hand, and she advises making sure they contain at least 1 to 2 ounces of protein to keep your blood sugar stable for several hours, combined with a comple

Super Foods and Why You Need Them

I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight, and exercise that will help you lose weight. Today I’m writing about food. Some foods help you lose weight and other foods will only add weight. We all know by this time that when you cut calories in your diet, you have to pack all the nutrition you can in everything you eat. You can’t waste calories on food that isn’t giving you something in return. So, in order to give me energy, I try to eat all I can of the super-foods. You get more nutrition per serving without getting the extra calories. One of the new ones is Quinoa. What is quinoa? Some consider it grain and some don’t. Either way, it’s definitely in the grain/rice/cereal family, and that’s a family I enjoy eating. The even better news is that quinoa (pronounced Keen-Wah) is actually a pretty good source of protein when compared to most grains, packing in 8 grams per cup. The even better news is that quinoa is the only grai

Why Should I Lose Weight?

  We all lose weight for different reasons. Some lose weight for health reasons, your doctor is pushing you. Maybe like me your spouse is pushing you. Maybe you feel funny at work because your co-workers stare, talk behind your back. Or maybe you just want to wear the same clothes others wear. I lost weight because I became out of shape, out of breath when I was working outside, in the garage or mowing the lawn or just vacuuming carpet in the house. My clothes didn’t fit I had to buy pants with a 38 inch waist, and then finally I said “stop”.     I have to stop this insane way of over indulging. That’s exactly what was happening. I was in my 30’s and owned a restaurant that was doing well. Success was going to my head, and all I thought about was the business and shopping for things I wanted but couldn’t afford before. My wife was power walking everyday and wanted me to join her, but I always had an excuse. I stayed at the restaurant about 14 hours a day. I’d take some Sunday’s off, wh

Do I really Have To Exercise?

No, not just to lose weight. I exercise to firm up. If you lose several pounds quickly, without exercise, you can end up pear-shaped. I’m sure you’ve seen people walking on the street and it seems to happen to women more, but the first pounds that they lose always seem to be above the waist. The face, shoulders, arms, and chest always lose fat first. Why you might ask? I think it’s because no matter how much time you spend sitting or standing without moving, your arms and shoulder are still usually moving. When you spend time at a desk you are generally moving from the waist up even though you're just sitting. That’s one reason that walking for exercise is the best exercise you can get. Basically, that’s your problem in this country, the reason obesity is at an all-time high. We as Americans don’t walk enough. Recently I saw a news show about the treadmill desk. I don’t know if you’ve heard about them, but it’s a workstation mounted on a treadmill. I first read about these 2 years

What Do I Drink If I Want To Lose Weight?

It’s boring, but everything you read today will tell you the best thing for you when you’re trying to lose weight, is water, 64 oz. a day.  If you think water is too boring you have problems. Okay, I know you’re rolling your eyes but water is perfect for you. And people are catching on. In the last 20 years, the sales of bottled water and designer water outsells soda. And if you’re reading financial papers Coke and Pepsi are worried. They’re scrambling to try to recapture share-of-market. That’s what all retail companies live or die by. There’s hope for those of us who need flavored water if we are to consume 64 oz. You can make flavored water at home. I like Basil, and orange water. It’s what I drink if I crave a salty snack, usually mid-afternoon. The taste kills the cravings and the drink looks beautiful in the glass so I feel like I’m treating myself. You can find recipes for making flavored water on the internet, pick the ones without calories. You can invent your own. My doctor p

Principals Of Healthy Eating

Perhaps you’ve made a new year’s resolution to start eating more healthfully, or you just feel it is time to change your dietary habits to promote a healthier lifestyle as well as for weight management. But where do you begin? Start with and keep in mind these five key principles for healthy eating, and you will always be on the right track. 1 Focus on Vegetables and Fruits Study after study has shown that the more whole fruits and vegetables you eat, the lower your risk for many chronic diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease—including heart disease and stroke. Fruits and vegetables constitute low-calorie foods. A report by WHO has stated that there is convincing evidence that eating fruits and vegetables decreases the risk for obesity. Compared to high-calorie foods such as processed foods that are high in sugar and fat, fruits and vegetables are less likely to contribute to obesity or overweight. Fruits and vegetables from the produce department of

Health Risks Of Being Overweight

 I wanted to write about health today because in my area the virus threat is back again. I live in a small gated area with only about 9 dozen homes and 8 people that I know of have covid. Some of the social gatherings have been canceled. Because this is a 55+ community we tend to be a little nervous about covid. One of the health risks that seniors have is being overweight. When a person is young, under 40, you might think those extra pounds don't bother you, that being a little heavy isn't a big deal. As you get older, over 40, then you notice your body changing. You might be seeing your doctor more often. Maybe your blood pressure is elevated. Your doctor may have suggested that you lose weight. Maybe he put you on a diet. Maybe the doctor wants you to get more exercise.  All the symptoms you have today are just a sign of the bigger problems you will have in the future. All the small health problems you have today are putting stress on your immune system making it weaker and