
Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Losing weight in theory is pretty simple, be mindful of what you’re eating and increase your activity. Why do most of us have trouble doing just that? First, I think that most of us were raised to eat the way we eat and that makes it difficult to change. Second, in spite of the fact that 2/3 of adults in this country are overweight, most of us don’t think they have a weight problem.  Being overweight will catch up with you and over 45 you will realize what being overweight has done to your body. Like most of us in middle age, we try to play catch-up and get on the “live healthy” bandwagon. Some of us can successfully change and we do. Others how might have been in denial for years find it too difficult and end up quitting. I knew I had a weight problem when my waist grew too big. Your waist size is the gauge you should go by. The average height for adult males is 5′ 10″ or 70 inches and your waist should measure 35 inches at the naval and if it’s larger than that you have a problem. Th

Do I Have To Count Calories

Everyone who diets knows about counting calories. The experts have been telling us forever that all we need to do to lose weight is to eat fewer calories. But is that all it’s about? If that’s all there is to losing weight why are so many people overweight? I know, maybe it’s all about carbs? Or they tell us we have to exercise more or your doing the wrong type of exercise. Not really, the whole idea of the low-carb diet was to get you to eat less junk food. Junk food is 90% carbs and has almost no nutritional value. But low-carb wasn’t the answer because you would cut back on junk for a while but never quit eating junk completely. And low-carb and low-fat foods usually have more sugar to put taste back in the food. So what is the answer to weight loss? I believe that all calories are not equal and that you don’t need to count calories, you need to eat better food. The Atkins Diet is a good example of a healthy balanced diet. Another healthy diet is the Mediterranean diet. Below you’ll

Get Off Junk Food

  Is your diet less than healthy with too much fat, sugar, sodium, and processed foods? Don’t feel bad — that’s a common thing — and I can help you. I know it’s not easy to switch from a junk food-laden, high-calorie diet to a healthy diet. If you aren’t ready to make an overnight dietary transformation, don’t worry — you can take small steps to improve your diet. I reblogged this post from because I do think this post has merit, but I’m not a fan of this way of changing what your eating. I tried to move gradually into a healthy diet but I found it didn’t work, I’d always return to my old diet. I understand that some people know they have to change what they eat, but they don’t like giving up their favorite foods. On Friday nights I would always have pizza out with a couple beers and I enjoyed that. I enjoy the food and the meal with my friends. I don’t like giving that up, and when I think about my social life, most of it is about eating out with my friends and meals with

Don't Over-Think Weight Loss

I think we all think that we could look better and the first thing that comes to mind is the extra fat we carry around. Every day looking in the mirror is a reminder that we need to lose fat.   Extra fat is bad for our health in some cases. It all depends on how much. We all need some fat to cushion our organs, protect the joints, but there's a limit.  I think we all know when enough is enough, but what do we do about it. ted Did you know that your body will burn most fats? I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't it burn my fat?  When I gave up on trying to exercise away the fat, I started to read about the body and how your metabolism works. The body burns the calories you eat to create energy so your heart can circulate blood, so the mind can think, so the organs can work and so you have the strength to move. I believe all of this is done in real-time. The body only burns enough calories to move or think at that moment. So, every day you burn up a different amount of cal

Why Diets Fail

Most people don’t think of their weight loss journey as a math problem. But in many ways, it is. To lose weight, you need to calculate your energy balance equation, then change the numbers to create weight loss. If you can get your numbers to tilt in the right direction, you’ll slim down and keep the pounds off for good. The reason diets fail is pretty simple. I had to start by knowing what my energy output was. Most people that want to lose weight don’t know how many calories their body burns and that’s why they fail. The “Energy Balance Equation” is a way you can determine your calorie burn and thus determine how many calories to eat and lose weight. Most of us make the mistake of just cutting back on food and thinking we can lose weight. Not so, you have to eat about 500 calories a day less than you burn. So you have to start with the number of calories you burn or your “energy output” then you’ll know how many calories you can eat. What is the Energy Balance Equation? Energy balanc

What Your Doctor Wants To Tell You About Your Weight

To help you lose weight, your doctor might have said things like, “Get more exercise,” “Cut back on calories,” or “Eat less junk.” It’s all good advice — but what exactly does it mean? How much exercise should you do? How many calories do you need to stop eating in order to shed pounds? Remember that your doctor is also running a business and him or her wants to keep you for a customer, so how “frank” can your doctor be without hurting your feelings or making you mad. Learn how to turn your doctor’s well-meaning, yet sometimes vague, strategies into real steps you can start taking today. You weight 220 pounds and your 5 ft. 8 inches. Your waist is a 40 usand your doctor tells you that you should exercise more. “What does that Mean?” “I try not to walk, my feet are killing me.” “Then he tells me I should eat better. I eat healthy food.” You might think you do but why are you gaining weight? How did you get so big? Ask yourself the tough questions and be honest with yourself. Remember yo

Willpower Equals Weight Loss

 From my own experience and my daughters, until you have the willpower to make a permanent change in your lifestyle and the food your eating, your weight will only change temporarily. I'm a senior now and have finally lost most of my body fat and I'm thin, active, and healthy. I'm 6'1" and weigh 160, I bike 3 days a week and walk on the other days. I feel great, actually never felt better.  My daughter had gained some 40 pounds when she was in her 40's, and after turning 50 decided she had to do something to lose it. I know she had an uphill battle because she doesn't exercise and has a bad back. I'm so proud of her because she lost that 40 pounds in less than 2 years, and did it by changing her diet and never cheating. She stuck to a strict diet of mostly meat and vegetables and salads. She cut her calories in half by eating fresh foods with fewer calories.  She did continue to drink wine but cut alcohol consumption in half. She cut out other drinks ex