
Lose Fat Now

Do you want to start losing flab very quickly? You don't have to count calories or follow some complicated diet plan; all you have to do is cut out these 3 foods from your diet. 1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods. 2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories. 3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab. Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today! This is from a news

Do You Need Help Losing Weight?

It’s up to you to take charge of your health. You should know if you weigh too much, if your out of shape or have too much body fat. That’s something children don’t learn, how to take care of themselves, how to take care of their health. Why is it that we don’t know that we’re not in good health or that we weigh too much. First of all, I think we do know but too often we ignore the signs. If a person has colds frequently or feels exhausted and has no energy, that’s a good sign that something is missing in their diet. Most of us reach for the vitamin supplements for the answer, but what most people need is to examine their diet. Be truthful with yourself and start to keep a log of what you eat. After one week, I think you’ll know what’s wrong with your diet. Some people already know their diet is their problem but just don’t know were to start or don’t want to take the time to change. For example, I think we all know that fast food isn’t really a healthy choice. But everyday we line u

Fitness Trackers, are they worth it?

The latest crop of wearable tech gadgets can track your every move, the number of calories you burn, even the quality of your sleep. But are these devices the key to a fitter body or are they a case of information overload? Fitness trackers can help you stay on track. Fitness trackers are for the techy who has so much to do he or she can’t ever complete the workload they have. They constantly run all day trying to complete a mountain of work, really has no time to workout but manages to squeeze it in and feels that’s enough, I did my workout, now back to my workload. A tracker will show you what your workout accomplished so you can decide if your on track or if you need to vary the plan. Some will also keep track of your calories and your sleep. Getting the proper amount of sleep at night can help you lose weight. Not getting enough sleep will keep you from losing weight. Read about these new trackers and decide if a tracker can help you. It's a truth universally acknowled

Straight Talk About Bread

If you've been following the news the past few months, a fast food chain admitted that their breads contained ingredients like plastics and other additives that only added to the appearance. They said they would stop using all artificial ingredients by the end of this year. Now a restaurant chain this week has admitted to the same thing and said they would stop using artificial ingredients next year. So, how wide spread is this practice? We all know that we can buy a loaf of white bread in the grocery store and it will last for months. But when you buy a loaf of bread at a bakery, where they use no additives, the bread goes stale over night. So what are manufactures adding? What are these additives doing to our health. I wrote a post a couple of days ago about bread and in that post I talked about whole grain breads. I only eat rye bread. The only way you can make rye bread is with whole grains. If I buy a good brand I know I'm getting whole grain. Be careful of packaging and

Understanding The Problems of Being Overweight

I think we’ve all heard the stories about the health problems caused by being overweight. By this time it goes in one ear and out the other. It’s only the over 55 group of people that feel the effects of overweight. They see it everyday in their own home and see it with their friends. At one time it was only seniors that felt these effects and for the most part, It was chalked up to aging. In fact, the effects of overweight have nothing to do with aging. Well, what I mean is that you can feel the effects of overweight even at the age of 40 or even 30. It’s not your age that causes the health problems, it’s the extra weight. Being overweight has grown to epidemic levels in several parts of the world. Some of this overweight population can be blamed on the wealth effect or the fact that people in “Emerging Countries” have more money today and their spending more on food. Eating better, eating more is a sign of prosperity in some countries. But in countries like the U.S., some of the

The Truth About Bread

Yes, bread can be the cause of your weight problem. We all know that whole grain is the best type of bread to eat. Some people think that brown bread is whole grain, but the color brown doesn’t come from the grain, it comes from molasses and other additives. The three types of whole grain bread I like are "whole wheat, whole oats and whole rye. I like rye the best because I like the taste, but rye has the real rye seeds in the bread. Don’t be misled by bread that say multi-grain, seven grain, stone-ground or 100% wheat, these are not whole grain, I don’t think they have the same nutritional value. When buying a good loaf of bread keep it on the counter. Good bakery bread will keep 1 to 3 days depending on the amount of preservatives. If you want to keep bread for a long time do not refrigerate it’s better to freeze it. It will stay fresh for 2 to 3 months. Eating bread morning, noon, and night is a load of carbs, but that’s not the only reason to watch how much bread you eat,

Losing Weight At Any Age Helps Your Heart

In order to keep body tissue alive your heart has to pump blood to all your tissue including body fat. The bigger you are the harder your heart has to work trying to supply blood to all of you. The following article is about a long term study done in the U.K.. I’ve never found a study of so many people for this long a period. Healthy weight loss at any time in adulthood is good for your heart, a new study indicates. "Our findings suggest that losing weight at any age can result in long-term cardiovascular health benefits, and support public health strategies and lifestyle modifications that help individuals who are overweight or obese to lose weight at all ages," according to lead study author John Deanfield, of University College London. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 1,300 men and women in the United Kingdom who were followed since their birth in March 1946. The participants were classified as being either normal weight, overweight or obese when they were ch