The Truth About Bread
Yes, bread can be the cause of your weight problem. We all know that whole grain is the best type of bread to eat. Some people think that brown bread is whole grain, but the color brown doesn’t come from the grain, it comes from molasses and other additives. The three types of whole grain bread I like are "whole wheat, whole oats and whole rye. I like rye the best because I like the taste, but rye has the real rye seeds in the bread. Don’t be misled by bread that say multi-grain, seven grain, stone-ground or 100% wheat, these are not whole grain, I don’t think they have the same nutritional value.
When buying a good loaf of bread keep it on the counter. Good bakery bread will keep 1 to 3 days depending on the amount of preservatives. If you want to keep bread for a long time do not refrigerate it’s better to freeze it. It will stay fresh for 2 to 3 months.
Eating bread morning, noon, and night is a load of carbs, but that’s not the only reason to watch how much bread you eat, breads of all kinds contain salt and because we already get too much salt in our diet, we need to watch how much bread we eat. Bread is made with lots of salt. It not only adds flavor but salt is the main preservative in bread and eating bread several times a day raises your sodium intake. It causes you to retain fluids which keeps you from losing weight and raises your blood pressure which can put you at risk for heart attack or stroke.
Don’t be misled by the word “enriched” or “refined”.
Enriched appears on white bread and other breads in the grocery store. It simply means that iron and B vitamins have been added back to the bread. “Why", you might ask. Bread in the grocery store is made from refined grain which is done to make the bread light and airy and gives it a longer shelf life. But it also strips out fiber, iron and B vitamins so they need to artificially enrich the bread to put some nutrition back in. You can only get natural fiber from whole grain.
Bagels are still very popular in most parts of the country, but be careful, they have many more calories than a slice of bread.
Mold on bread can or can not be harmful and if your not an expert on the different types of mold, the safest thing is to throw of the whole loaf of bread or the roll or the bagel, just because the mold is only in one spot doesn’t mean the entire loaf hasn’t been infected.
Why all this fuss about whole grain foods, well whole grain is a great source of fiber which helps reduce cholesterol and lower your risk for heart disease. Whole grains also help your body form red blood cells and that keeps your immune system healthy.
Your blood sugars go up every time you eat carbohydrates which include bread and if your worried about your blood sugar the best bread is whole-grain pumpernickel. It keeps you full longer than other breads. It causes the lowest and slowest change in blood sugar. That’s important for those with diabetes.
In short this type of bread will avoid that spike in blood sugars that comes from eating other breads.
The fiber in whole-grain breads can help you control your weight, but it doesn’t mean you can eat all you want. To lose weight, eat less, exercise more and eat healthy. When picking bread, look for 16 grams of whole grain in a serving. When buying bakery bread, pick it up, the rule of thumb is the heavier the loaf the more whole grain it has.
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