Exercise May Be More Important Then Your Weight
If you want to avoid an early death, this might be a good article to read. I write a lot about the importance of your diet and reaching a healthy weight and you have to do that by changing your diet. But to be healthy you need to exercise. Because of this "information age" we're in today, we don't have enough physical activity. We send too much time on a computer, tablet or smartphone and not enough time doing physical activity. Your parents and grandparents spent more time doing physical work and walking. The more evolved our society, the less we do physically and the more we do with our minds. I think you're cutting our lives short by not taking care of our bodies. If you do a lot of physical work then a workout may not be necessary, but the less physical work we do the more need to compensate by working out. If your not use to working out and are overweight you want to start by walking. A brisk walk for 30 minutes is a great form of exercise. I found the foll...