
Showing posts from June, 2024

Skipping Meals Promotes Belly Fat

  Skipping Meals Promotes Belly Fat Storage, Increases Risk for Insulin Resistance I want to reblog this article because this is a common mistake that everyone makes when they first think about losing weight. The author Justin Caba writes for where you can always find valuable information. Skipping meals leads to abdominal weight gain. Beginners have a hard time grasping that concept. It’s not usually the amount of food you eat that puts fat on your body. It’s the kind of food you eat. Eating less of a bad diet is still a bad diet and you won’t lose fat. You can lose weight without losing fat, but that’s why people gain the weight back. Too much body fat is different for everyone. Your “body mass” is about 80% of your total weight. The rest is bones and organs and the contense of the digestive system. Your body retains about three days food. Anyway, if too much of your body mass is stored fat, if the percentage of fat is too high, then losing weight will only cause...

Fasting For Beginners

 This is by far the best way I found to lose weight and burn fat. There are several ways to Fast. The three ways that most dieters use are:   Intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent energy restriction, is an umbrella term for various meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting (or reduced calorie intake) and non-fasting over a given period. Methods of intermittent fasting include alternate-day fasting, periodic fasting, and daily time-restricted feeding. Types :  Three methods of intermittent fasting 1. Time-restricted feeding :  Involves eating only during a certain number of hours each day, often establishing a consistent daily pattern of caloric intake within an 8–12 hour time window. 2. Alternate-day fasting :  Involves alternating between a 24-hour "fast day" when the person eats less than 25% of usual energy needs, followed by a 24-hour non-fasting "feast day" period. It is the strictest form of interm...

Diet Plans

Picking a diet plan can be frustrating. Not every diet plan will work for you. Most of us hear about diets from friends. You think maybe it's worth a try, it worked for my friend so maybe it will work for me. Some of us read about diets or follow a suggestion from a celebrate.  Those ideas for diet plans don't normally work. If you have tried and failed several times it might be time to try one of the new medicines for Diabetes. Talk to your doctor and get a prescription. Getting a prescription is the easy part. Some people wait as long as 6 months to get their first treatment. The medication is in short supply. It will be expensive, but it does work. I heard that you lose your craving for food. You can't eat as much as before.  If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic your health insurance may cover the cost. This is an extreme way to go. It can cost several hundreds of dollars. Many people are looking for these drugs in other countries like Mexico where some of our prescriptio...

Daily Required Amount Of Protein

 This article will discuss the protein needs of healthy children and adults and the potential effects of a high-protein diet.  As with other nutrients, there is a government-recommended amount of protein that people should eat in a day. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is considered the baseline for how much protein people should eat in a day. Some people may also need more protein than recommended based on their age, weight, height, and activity level. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes guidelines about protein goals. They recommend that most adults try to get between 10% and 35% of their daily calories from protein sources. For a 2,000-calorie diet, this would be between 200 and 700 calories from protein.1 Another way of looking at it is to aim for about 7 g of protein per 20 pounds of body weight. The daily recommended intake of protein by sex and age is:1 Infants: 11 g Children: 19 to 35 g Teenage females: 46 g Teenage males: 52 g Adult ...

The Benefits Of Eating Fewer Calories

  Today I want to write about the waste and overindulgence we have in our lives and how this affects our body. I accidentally ran across an article about buying food at the grocery store. The author goes on to say he was a single young adult under 30 who had been spending $80 a week for groceries because he could. He made a decent living and could afford an $80 food budget so “why not”. So one day he was reading about a student who had no income at that time and was spending his money to get himself through grad school. One day he only had two dollars for food. He only ate carrots and two apples that day. So after reading this article, our author decided to experiment by cutting his food budget to $42.50 a week. He included any restaurant food in the $42 and wouldn’t take any free meals during the experiment. He was still buying all the essentials like chicken, produce, whole grain bread, rice, potatoes, eggs, and sliced turkey for lunch. Plus things like peanut butter and popcorn....

Losing Weight For Beginners

  If you haven’t tried this before losing weight can be intimating. It’s not easy and most beginners feel like it’s “no biggy”, I’ll drop 20 pounds easily. Then after they yo-yo up and down a few times and get nowhere they usually quit trying. Most weight loss enthusiasts forget to diet. Changing the diet is the most important part of losing weight. Actually, you have to change your diet first and after you have the new diet under control then worry about the exercise part. I’ll write about diet tomorrow. Beginners should start out slow, exercise will help you lose weight faster than no exercise, but you need to be careful. Doctors will often manage your weight loss for you if you ask, but that means more trips to the doctor. That only works if you’re going already and if you have a lot to lose then it’s a good idea. Most of us will never do that. So maybe a trainer will work for you. A trainer can be expensive if you keep him long-term but that’s usually not necessary. He’s t...