How Much Fat Is Too Much?, Good Question

So how much body fat is too much? We know that some body fat is necessary; it cushions the organs and helps prevent bruising. But where do we draw the line? How much is too much?

This is a question we all seek an answer to. There's been several studies done about body fat. Mostly about bad fat and how it can cause sicken and disease. You might be thinking, "How is that possible? How can body fat cause me to get sick?"

Ok, here goes nothing; this is my version of Health 101. First, there's no "one fits all" answer because everyone's body is different. How so? Blood types make your body function or react differently to stimuli. And what is stimulus? Stimulus is anything the body reacts to, chemical for instance. Medicines are another form of stimulus that should help you to feel better, but because our bodies react differently to medicines, not all medicines work for everyone. Some drugs only work for 35% of the population but they leave them on the market because millions of people will benefit. But millions of us don't benefit. I believe this is all because of blood type.

We can carry this conversation a little further by saying food is a stimulus for the body, but we all don't benefit from the same foods. Foods will give the body the nutrition it needs for energy. Energy is used by the body to keep the body functioning and it's important for a healthy immune system. Now because of blood types, I don't believe everyone will benefit from eating the same foods. Humans have lost the ability of the body's instincts to know what the body needs.

Millions of years ago or maybe only thousands of years ago, people foraged for food and instinctively knew what to eat to keep them healthy. Today, we have no clue. We wander through the grocery store picking up the things we like to eat and drink, with no thought to what it does for our body.

So why do we get fat? If your body can't process what you're eating, the body will store it in fat cells. It's that simple. So most of us keep adding a few grams of fat every day and don't even know it. Your body can't process chemicals and because of your blood type, you can't eat everything. Some foods we shouldn't eat. So how do we know?

That's the million-dollar question. If only we knew what foods people with our blood type should eat. We can talk to our doctor and see if he has the answer. We might talk to a dietitian and see if they have the answer. Actually, they might have a list of foods to stay away from, but those foods are probably the same for all of us. Science doesn't really have a good answer. Science doesn't really know why we have many different blood types and how that makes us different from other people. Science does have a theory about blood types, but it's only a theory. Google "blood types", it's a good read. They think that "type A" is the oldest blood type going back before prehistoric man and other blood types are mutations of type A caused by diseases like Malaria which affected 100's of thousands over the centuries.

Back to fat, too much body fat is caused by eating the wrong foods. Foods that are wrong for your body; maybe not everyone's body, but your body. Doctors will divide your body into mass groups. Your skeleton or bone mass is one, your muscle mass is another, and your body fat is another. There isn't any good way to measure your bone mass so they approximate. Subtract the bone weight and you get the tissue mass. Naturally, organ weight is also approximated, and then you end up with tissue weight. Tissue is both the muscle and fat. 25% body fat and 75% muscle tissue is good. More than 25% fat is too much. So how do you know? You can start with your doctor, or if you belong to a gym, most gyms will use a caliper to measure body fat and that service should be included in your membership. What you weigh or how much weight you lose doesn't matter. How much fat you lose matters.

Excess fat will cause things like cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. That's only a few because fat will cause your heart to work harder, beat faster, and use up more of your energy. The energy that the body uses to fight disease, sickness, and viruses. We have a dangerous virus today affecting people around the world and it keep mutating and spreading and it will probably affect all of us sooner than later. Why does it just keep growing and spreading? I believe it might get back to blood types again. Maybe some people have stronger immune systems, and what we have found out is that some people with strong immune systems can carry the virus and not know it. And if you carry the virus or flu you can spread it.

So a carrier might not be affected because of the foods they eat or is it because of their blood type? I believe that science doesn't know enough about blood types and how all of us have different body chemistry because of our blood type. Actually, if you read about blood types you'll find out that science has no idea why we still have these different blood types after millions of years.

The answer to solving the body fat problem is still complex, but we do know that over the last dozen or so decades, our activity levels have slowed down and our diet has changed. So if we can blame this body fat problem on anything, it's because our activity level is going down, and we have to adjust our diet. Today's diet consumed by the average person is not giving their body enough nutrition and only adding fat, but only by a very small amount that most people don't detect. Statistics show that on average people gain a couple of pounds a year and that's worldwide. And if that's you, and you're gaining more body fat, you will steadily see your health declining.

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If you want to lose your body fat look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You’ll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. 

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