How Experts Define What Obesity Is

Am I Obese? How Experts Define What Obesity Is By Amanda MacMillan Obesity means having far too much body fat. It's about much more than your clothing size or how you look. It can seriously affect your health. Your whole body feels it, from your joints to your heart , blood pressure , blood sugar , and other systems. The extra fat cells produce inflammation and various hormones, which boosts your odds of chronic medical conditions. If it seems like those odds are stacked against you, remember that it's possible to beat them. The first step is to know where you stand. Are You Obese? You step on the scale and your doctor or nurse notes your weight . They might also measure your waist since it's especially risky to have too much belly fat . If your doctor says you're overweight, that means "you're slightly over what's considered healthy," says Y. Claire Wang, MD. She's co-director of the Obesity Prevention Initiative at Columbia University. Obe...