More About the New Diet Pill

 Yesterday I wrote about the new diet pills that we hear about and read about almost every day now. I will not be able to get a prescription for the pills to try it out. My body fat index is too low, and a doctor won't prescribe to people in my condition. I know that the FDA has tested the product, but their testing is only to see how many people have a reaction to the drug and how many people will benefit from the drug.

I still would be skeptical until I see real results. Is the drug safe for people with high blood pressure? Or people with heart problems. Only your doctor that is prescribing other drugs for you, can tell you if it's safe for you. I know it's popular for some people to go to a doctor who is out of their network to prescribe drugs that their doctor won't prescribe. This is never a good idea. The doctor who has all your drug history and your medical history should be the only one to prescribe any new drug. Just because your friend is overweight and has lost 20 taking the pill, doesn't mean it's right for you or will even help you.

The pill is more than a diet pill, it's a drug that will do much more. This drug will certainly help millions of people, but it probably won't help everyone. No drugs help everyone with the same health problems. Some drugs on the market will only help about 33% of the people who are prescribed the drug. So why is it on the market? Because the drug will help some people and it doesn't harm or only harms a small percentage of people.

But the reason I want to wait, is that long-term side effects are not known for some time. I don't like the fact that you are putting more chemicals into your body. Chemicals you put in your body can't be process and will be stored in fat cells and will simply accumulate and after years of accumulation what does that do for your body. I have to think that medical research knows what causes cancer, but no one is talking about it. I have my own opinion on that subject. But that's for another post.

My finally word on these pills, Novo has this drug that has been approved, and it will lower your risk for heart problems. Medical professionals are predicting that in 10 years overweight will be treated like high-blood pressure. You see the doctor and he or she will prescribe a pill and you will lose fat in weeks. When you think about the possibilities this drug alone could reduce disease simply by reducing your body fat. A pill that could reduce body fat to a safe level could be the magic pill. But for now, I want to see more results. They claim it reduces the desire to eat or rather to crave food. Some people have even stopped drinking alcohol. Novo is trying to get insurance companies to cover the cost for patients. 

Later this year Ely Lilly has a weight loss drug coming to the market that may be better than Novo's.

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There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans, or meal plans. 

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