It Doesn't cost Money To Lose Weight

If you have never tried to lose weight and your friends tell you about the gym memberships and the cost of those diet pills or you should see a weight lose councilor, and all you can think of is the cost. Well, it’s true, you don’t have to spend money to lose weight. In fact, you might save some money losing weight. We don’t realize it, but as you go through your workday, you can spend a lot of time snacking. You can consume a lot of junk food and it all costs money. Maybe you start your day at a coffee shop, and you don’t just buy coffee. You get to work and there’s pastries in the break room, so why not. I used to do it. I’d look for something to snack on every time I took a break. The average person adds 2 or 3 pounds a year, even if their careful and don’t overeat. Between the ages of 30 and 40, I personally gain 40 pounds. I had a construction job, outside all day and very active and left that for an office job, sitting all day and eating and drinking too much. I didn’t over...