Cancer And Your Diet

On the Fox TV Network the other night, one of the big stories was about high-protein diets. A new study has shown a link between the overconsumption of animal protein and how it can stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

It seems we all have cancer cells but they don’t normally grow unless we consume too many cancer-causing chemicals from foods or drinks or breathe in pollutants.

Older adults between the ages of 50 to 65 years of age are in that age bracket where cancer cells will grow at their fastest rate. But interestingly enough, after 65 it seems like the body needs animal protein and larger percentages don’t affect the growth of the cancer cells. Now your doctor will tell you there are many other ways to get cancer but the truth is that medical science doesn’t really know.

Older adults and those with a family history of cancer who are under 65 should reduce the amounts of animal protein to a daily amount of less than 10% of total protein intake. Dairy products are animal protein and poultry, beef, and pork. I don’t count fish or other seafood. The best sources are vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and lentils.

So how much protein is too much. Well, depending on the size of your frame, and your weight you divide your body weight in half and that’s the number of grams of protein you should have every day. For example, I’m 170 pounds so I need 85 grams of protein a day. A 3 1/2-ounce steak has 85 grams of protein. That’s all the protein you need for an entire day. If you are doing a normal to extreme workout, you’ll need to supplement your protein with a powered supplement like WHEY.

Now, remember what I said about animal protein, in my case I should be consuming less than 10 grams a day of animal protein and consume the rest from plants or fish. Vegetables have protein along with beans and lentils plus fish. The good news is that you won’t go hungry, plant protein and other nutrients from vegetables plus fruit and nuts is a good healthy diet that will reduce your body fat, give you plenty of energy and you won’t have to count calories and weigh yourself every day to lose weight, stay healthy and lower your risk for cancer.

Why do we have so much Cancer in North America? Well, it’s because the average adult consumes more than 20% of their diet in animal protein. That feeds the cancer cells and makes them grow until you develop a tumor.

To reduce your risk of cancer no matter what you weigh or how much body fat you have, change your diet, eat healthily, no processed foods and reduce amounts of animal fat and eat more plant protein. A simple all-natural diet and don’t worry about your weight, when you stop eating man-made foods your body fat will disappear. There isn’t anything wrong with good fats, but your body can’t process bad fats. Get a list of the bad fats on most health websites.

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