Get Rid Of Bloat

There are medical reasons that you can bloat on a regular basis. Because bloating doesn’t last very long 3 to 5 days usually, most people just ignore bloat. But that’s a mistake, it might be a sign that you have a medical problem or that you’re doing something wrong. It could be your diet? You might not be active enough or your body might be in a hoarding mode. You're probably eating the wrong foods. Before you spend money on some over-the-counter anti-acids or other medication look at the foods you’re eating. All our stomach problems start with the food we’re eating.

In some cases, we can diminish bloating by walking. Physical activity is important to banishing bloat. Walking after a big meal will help reduce the effects of that big meal.

Make an effort to get more physical activity, with a goal of 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Another recommended lifestyle change is to stop smoking. Smoking can contribute to bloating – so quitting can help — not to mention the other health benefits associated with stopping smoking.

Other Medical Issues
Avoiding constipation is an important part of dealing with bloating. Ensuring that you drink enough liquids, and incorporating fiber into your diet is essential.

It’s important to know that some over-the-counter pain relievers, iron supplements, and prescription pain medications can cause constipation and bloat.

Check for food allergies or intolerance (lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, fructose malabsorption) as they can contribute to bloating.

Make sure you are getting enough calcium and magnesium

A key recommendation is to avoid overeating — the most common cause of bloating. You may want to eat smaller meals and eat more frequently and stick to regular mealtimes. Stop eating before you’re full, and leave some food on the plate. It’s also important to slow down when you eat — a good guideline is to give yourself around 30 minutes for a full meal. A few other general dietary tips:

Don’t chew gum – especially sugar-free gum
Don’t use a straw – sip straight from a cup
Cook vegetables instead of eating them raw
Cut back on evening carbohydrates

Drink a 16-ounce glass of water 30 minutes prior to each meal, and make sure you are getting 6 – 8 ounces glasses of water daily.

Martha, a thyroid patient, shared this advice that worked for her:

One of my problems with hypothyroidism is water retention, despite the 80 ounces of water I drink daily. My doctor suggested I try 16 oz. unflavored Pedialyte mixed with 48 oz. water and drink this mixture two consecutive days weekly. After the first day, I noticed a significant difference! After the second day, I weighed 1.5 pounds less. Water retention isn’t a problem for me anymore!!! Maybe this will help others.

Eat Foods That Help Reduce Bloat
A number of foods are known to help reduce bloat. Make sure you incorporate them into your diet. These foods include:

High-fiber foods – aim for 25 grams per day
Vegetables: Lettuce, cucumber, spinach
Fruits: Papaya, apples (with the skin), avocados, watermelon, pineapple, mangoes, bananas, cantaloupes, tomatoes
Grains: Whole grains, quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal
Spices: Ginger, peppermint, black pepper

Foods to Avoid or Cut Back on to Minimize Bloat
A number of foods and drinks are associated with increasing bloat. Try to cut back on consumption of these foods:

Carbonated drinks
Artificially sweetened foods, drinks, and seltzer
Fried foods
Frozen meals
Salty foods and sodium
Processed meats and hot dogs

Stretching and Massage
It may be helpful to massage your abdomen, by pressing your fingers by the hip, sliding across the ribs, and then down in a circular motion. When your body isn’t getting the liquids of foods that it requires it will go into a hoarding mode, which can cause bloating. When the body retains water,  for example, generally it’s not getting enough water every day so it starts to hoard water, and the same thing will happen with food if the body isn’t getting enough nutrition.

When your body isn’t getting the liquids that it requires it will go into a hoarding mode, which can cause bloating. When the body retains water,  for example, generally it’s not getting enough water every day so it starts to hoard water, and that causes you to bloat.  The same thing will happen with food if the body isn’t getting enough nutrition it will start to hoard fats in your fat cells. Also, you can become constipated and you don’t have to have any medical problems. Most bloating isn’t medical, it’s caused by a bad diet and you aren’t drinking enough water. Learn about what your body requires to stay healthy and follow those rules. You’ll be a happier person and your body will function properly.

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