The Problems With Our Healthcare System

I normally  write about losing weight and why it’s good for you to weigh less, but today I think I should discuss the Healthcare problems that we all face in this country.

It’s almost scary to think about the problems we have in the healthcare system and all the different theories out there about healthcare. The one I think is the scariest is the one I heard on the radio last week. The commentator was talking about the Constitution and that people are not guaranteed healthcare, that healthcare is not a right that is guaranteed by the Constitution. In other words he claimed that 80% of people are happy with the status quote and why should the government be spending taxpayer’s money to try and rebuild a system that most people are happy with.

Talk about living in denial, taxpayers today are spending 26% of their income on health care and by 2025 they’ll be spending 42% of their income. O.K., you might say, I’m not paying 26%. Well some of that is direct cost and some is indirect which means you pay it in taxes. So with that kind of increase the rates of uninsured will more than double. I don’t like the idea of a government health care system, but if the cost of insuring a family doesn’t drop down to a reasonable rate, say $200 or $300 a month with a smaller deductible, how can families afford to keep their policies.

I don’t believe all this talk about affordable healthcare, they may force companies to pay for employee healthcare, but I don’t see any significant reduction in insurance premiums.

So the point is that we need to stay as healthy as we can. The healthcare system will be reformed, if not now, soon. The government is spending too much taxpayer dollars today and that’s only with the programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The government has to reform those programs by dropping the costs on all health care. The only way that happens is to cut benefits. If you’re not insured for as much liability, then you won’t pay as much. If you think that sounds simple, it is simple.

Why can’t insurance companies go back to just selling basic policies. Let insurance companies sell coverage for the everyday healthcare problems, children’s shots, colds and flu, doctor’s visits and child birth, anything costing say less than $50,000. Let the Government offer Major Medical that would cover up to 10 Million. Some people might want Major Medical and some may not. But the basic policies could have smaller deductibles. That’s the problem now, deductibles are too high for most people, like mine is $5000. We’ll both be on Medicare soon and the supplement policies are less expensive, so my problems are soon coming to an end. Until they start to cut the Medicare benefits and then supplemental policies will increase to an unaffordable price.

I guess you’ve read about how people come from around the world to get healthcare in this country because we have the best, the best money can buy. Well they don’t tell you about all the Americans that leave this country on vacation and get their healthcare in foreign countries for a fraction of the price and just pay cash. The government talks about all the uninsured and how this is a problem that’s causes healthcare to increase in price and that’s somewhat true, but some of those people want to be self insured and those are the ones paying cash and others  are not going to pay for something they can get for free. These are some of the reasons that the health care problems are not going away and they’re not going to get better.

In the face of this country’s problems we need to stay healthy more than ever. We don’t know what will happen to healthcare and you don’t want to be one of those people in the doctor’s office twice a month and taking 3 prescription drugs. Healthcare is getting more expensive and you won’t be able to afford it forever. Stay healthy, and the best way to do that is to eat less calories. If we’ve learned anything from Dr. Oz, it’s that we can live on much less than we now consume. Don’t eat processed foods. Don’t drink energy drinks or soft drinks and if you have a lot of weight to lose, don’t drink alcohol until you drop the weight. That’s everything you need to know in a nutshell. Diet is everything and a little exercise and the weight will come off, be patient, you didn’t gain that weight in a few weeks and you won’t lose it in a few weeks.

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