The Misconceptions Of Losing Weight

Losing weight isn't that hard, if you really want to. You stop eating the things you're eating and start walking faster and more often. You have to change your diet and start eating fresh, healthy food; stop eating big meals and eat more often. Sounds simple, right. Then why is it so hard to lose weight?

What most of us don't know is that you can't cut back on your food and lose weight.  Most of us thing that losing weight is easy. I'll just cut back on food. I'll just have coffee for breakfast or I'll just grab a snack from the snack machine and skip lunch. You can't lose weight like that. When you cut back on food your body will go into a defensive mode, it thinks you are starving and starts to hoard calories. It does happen immediately, it might take a week or two, so at first you might lose a few pounds but then you stop losing and start adding more fat.

What I mean, is your body will cut the amount of calories it normally burns and storages more than normal. The result is that you might gain a little. The defensive mode is built in to us because our ancestors had a hard time finding food in the winter or on long trips. Before our ancestors were farmers and knew how to grow crops, they were nomads. They followed the herds of animals. That was their source of food and they used the pelts to keep them warm.

Even after millions of years of evolution, we still have the same instincts and defensive mechanisms that our ancestors had. Have you even heard the expression "the hair stood up on the back of my neck". That's another defensive mechanism that our ancestors had to keep them safe.  We still have many instincts given to us by our ancestors but most of the times we don't pay attention to them. But one mechanism we never had "was knowing how much to eat". Today we have to rely on our brains to know how much is too much. The problem is that our conscious brain doesn't use instincts, it uses judgement. And if we haven't acquired that judgement, then the brain doesn't know when to stop eating. It only knows that your stomach is full.

Having a full stomach is not the way to eat. Your stomach is not like a metal box; it's more like a rubber box. It will keep expanding especially if the muscles surrounding the stomach walls are too weak to hold the stomach in place.  You should only eat enough to hold you for a couple of hours. I try and eat 6 times a day. I'm don't eat much, only enough to hold me for a couple of hours. I don't cook many meals, I don't have the time but you don't have to. I eat small containers of Greek Yogurt, or half a sandwich, or an apple. I eat oatmeal in the morning, that I cook or sometimes I have eggs  that I cook, I don't have time to cook meals so I snack on vegetables, hard boiled eggs, fruit, nuts, yogurt. To get more protein I like to buy Sushi or I make protein shakes.

The idea is to eat something small several times a day to keep your body metabolizing food, but not too much food or not too many calories. Calories are your enemy. The more calories you eat, the shorter your life. Eat lots of food, just not a lot of calories. You can do that by eating fresh food and avoid any drinks that have calories. Read my new book for more weight loss tips.
Losing body fat should be your goal. Read up on weight loss and losing body fat. It doesn’t cost money to lose weight. The internet is full of free information.
Checkout my other blogs:
But the quickest way and cheapest way is to buy an ebook online and get everything you need in one short read. I have two ebooks on Amazon:

How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight

Getting To A Healthy Weight

Check out one of them, I think you can find all the info you need and plenty of tips on how I lost my body fat. 
Look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find these e-books. These books give you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my books at,
 iBooks,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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