
Showing posts from May, 2020

How Stored Fat Can Harm Us

Our body fat is indeed different depending on its location. Subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat just under the skin, all over the body. Visceral fat is located deep in the abdominal cavity around the organs. We have a limited amount of control over the distribution of our body fat. Body fat distribution varies by age, gender, ethnicity, and genetics. You may have a normal BMI – thinking your weight is not putting your health at risk – but have a waist circumference that indicates abdominal obesity. By waist circumference, abdominal obesity is defined as 35 inches for women, 40 for men. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and later life dementia. A large waist circumference has been linked to negative outcomes even among people with normal BMI numbers. Additionally, some studies have compared two groups of obese patients with the same total body fat, but low or high levels of visceral fat. The high visceral fat groups were found to...

Can Diet Drinks Help Lose Weight?

When you’re trying to lose weight or keep off extra pounds, can diet soda help? While it has fewer calories than regular soda, some studies show it fuels your sweet tooth. Which means it makes you crave sweet foods or drinks. It's one more way the food industry has to try and keep you wanting more. Also, are artificially sweetened sodas good for your health? Several studies this year continue the debate. My personal feelings is that the chemicals used to make artificial sweeteners can't be good for you. The Food And Drug Administration has the same old reasoning for allowing it, "It's such a small amount, it won't hurt you."  Of course, if you drink six a day, then it's not a small amount any more is it. Earlier this year, in January, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reported that overweight and obese people who drink diet sodas tend to eat more calories during meals and from snacks throughout the day than those who drink ...

Live A Healthy Life And The Fat Will Fall Off

Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for. Maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to change your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget.  Did You know the major cause of "Obesity" is stress caused by worrying. Eating low cost food is simply eating food with bulk and very little nourishment. Foods that are high in nourishment are costly. We all know that the grocery stores charge more for healthier foods. Buy organic fruits and vegetables at an open market and see the difference...

Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

Sometimes we do some really dumb things that keep our diet from working. Read this post for some tips on how to keep your diet on track. Don't drink your calories.  Beverages are bottomless these days. You can't order a soft drink or iced tea at a restaurant without being provided quick, free refills, or having the freedom to get them yourself. To keep from drinking a day's worth of calories, choose herbal tea, unsweetened iced tea, flavored water or ice water with a spritz of lemon or lime. If none of those choices suits you, allow yourself one glass of the "real thing" and drink only water thereafter. Calories from sodas and other sweetened beverages add up to mega inches on your waistline and many pounds on the scale. Eat a healthy breakfast.  Taking the time to eat may help prevent costly calorie mistakes as the day progresses. If you skip your morning meal, you might fall victim to an out-of-control afternoon ap...

Can We Really Live Longer?

Hara Hachi Bu: The Okinawan's Secret to Longevity Experts Attribute Longevity to the Traditional Okinawan Diet By Mark Stibich, PhD This post is worth your time. I have believed in calorie reduction way before I knew about the people of Okinawa.  More Okinawans live over 100, by percentage of their population, then anywhere else on earth. And maybe that has something to do with genes. But I do know that calorie reduction is the healthy way to eat. The less body fat you have, the more energy you'll have, the more active you'll be, and the less your heart has to work. It is a fact, that if you do stay healthy and live a long life that you will usually die because your heart stops. Hara hachi bu is one of many and lifestyle customs that medical professionals in the western world attribute to the Okinawa's famously long and healthy lives. The Practice of Hara Hachi Bu The Japanese phrase,  hara hachi bun me , roughly translates into English as "belly 8...

Where Do I Start?

Yes, it's true most people that try and lose weight have no good plan to follow. That's one reason all the diet programs that advertise on TV, in Mags, and on the internet are making a fortune. It all a scam to get your money. It doesn't cost money to lose weight. You want to lose weight but you've never been successful. Losing weight is a commitment to stop what your doing now and change your plan. I weighed about 180 pounds in high school and that's good for a kid 6 foot tall. After about 10 years in the workforce and at the age of 32, I still weighed 173 to 178. In those days I was working construction jobs, very physical. Now 30  years have gone by and I still weigh 177 pounds. Now though I have to work at it. It's not like I never had a weight problem, at one point I was 220+ pounds. I owned a restaurant for more than 5 years and my weight inched up and I didn't really realize it. I was in my 30's and gaining weight didn't bother me. I could...

Lose Fat Fast

Do you want to start losing flab very quickly? You don't have to count calories or follow some complicated diet plan; all you have to do is cut out these 3 foods from your diet. 1. Processed foods. If it comes in a box or a package with a laundry list of ingredients, eliminate it. Instead, concentrate on eating mostly whole, natural foods. 2. Soft drinks, juice, and other sweetened beverages. Drinks sweetened with sugar or high fructose corn syrup actually increase your hunger while feeding you loads of empty calories. 3. Alcohol. Alcohol is calorie dense and further wreaks havoc on your fat burning hormones, increasing your belly fat and making it harder for you to lose that pesky flab. Want to get a flat belly fast? Simply follow the above 3 rules. You will automatically eliminate a massive amount of calories from your diet and you'll still be able to eat until you're full while achieving rapid results. Put them in place today! This is from a newsletter I go...

How did my weight get out of control?

I know we’d like to put the blame on someone else, and in fact it is somewhat your parents fault, and I say that because they train you how to eat and what to eat, but in defense of your parents and/or other relatives, they eat the same way their parents taught them. I’ve outlined five myths about eating habits. 1. No snacking! You'll ruin your appetite! Actually, snacking can be healthy, as long as you choose wisely. A healthy snack serves many purposes. I eat a little smaller breakfast because I know I’ll be eating again in 3 hours. I’m not as hungry at lunch because I ate three hours ago and I’ll be snacking again in about three hours. My dinner will be smaller because I’m not as hungry, I just ate something three hours ago. And if I’m going to be up more than four hours after dinner, I’ll snack again about three hours after dinner. I know that you’re thinking, all those calories, but it’s not that much, snacks can be healthy. My general rule is never go four hours with...

Fasting For Weight Loss

Losing weight is about losing body fat. The best way to lose body fat is to trick the body into using stored fat to create energy. We all have stored fat but what ever we do it never seems to shrink. Your body is using the food you're eating at the moment to create the energy you need. Because of your eating habits it's just easier for your body not to burn stored fat and the body will always take the easy way because the body is always trying to conserve energy. When I decided that I had to find a new way to lose my body fat, I tried a low-fat diet. The idea is that the body has to burn a combination of 30% fat, 20% protein, and 50% carbs to create energy. The body will get the fat wherever it can and food source is the easiest. But if you don't eat enough fat then the body has to use stored fat. In 2 months I lost about 10 pounds of fat or 2 pants size. In one more month I lost another 5 pounds of body fat. I had been trying to lose fat for more than a decade and s...

Minimum Exercise For A Longer Life

Maybe a little more walking everyday is just as good. We are only talking about extending life not losing weight. Physical activity promotes health, and for years, several public health bodies –- including the American Heart Association, US Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization –- have recommended getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 or more times per week. Surprisingly, though, only a couple of more recent major studies have examined how exercise relates to longevity, and how much you should do to lengthen your life. The research : In 2007, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) looked at more than 250,000 men and women between the ages of 50 and 71, and confirmed that the standard exercise recommendations did in fact improve subjects’ longevity. An average of 30 minutes of moderate activity, 5 times or more a week, gave participants a 27% lower risk of dying duri...