Improve Your Health And You'll Lose Fat

Concentrate on improving your health and the rest will work out. What do I mean? Worrying about the problems in your life will cause you to forget about you. Worrying about money is the main contributor to obesity. Worrying starts a spiral downward that you can’t stop. Worrying starts by causing depression. You have a big problem that you have no solution for. Maybe it’s about money or maybe something with your marriage, or maybe a problem with a child. Yes, these may seem like insurmountable problems. And these types of huge problems in your life will cause you to change your routine. You’re not thinking about your health, you’re not making time for exercise or relationships, instead you’re worrying. If you’re worried about money or your job, then your worrying about how you can cut your budget and that usually starts with the food budget.

Now, I probably don’t need to tell you that eating low cost food, is simply eating food with bulk and very little nourishment.  Foods that are high in nutrition are costly. We all know that the grocery stores charge more for healthier foods. Buy organic fruits and vegetables at an open market and see the difference in price from your supermarket. I can’t help you with your family problems, but I can tell you that letting your problems affect your health is just insane. You’re only compounding your problems. If you’re in your best health, then you’re better able to deal with your situation. Being in good health and good physical condition will help you think straight and solve those problems. Sometimes that means talking to someone else for advice.

Maybe you’re a student or adult, it’s the same. You need a good diet to learn, or just to think straight and to concentrate.  Research shows that students that eat a good breakfast are more alert in class. But to take that a little further, a student in better health and good physical condition will do better in school. Any change in your diet like skipping breakfast will have an immediate effect on your concentration. And the same think will hold true if your not eating the right foods. The same thing holds true with the over 60 age group, if you’re in better shape, healthier you’re more alert, your vitals are better. You take less prescription drugs, spend less time in the doctor’s office and usually are happier and enjoy life more.

Don’t let the problems in your life control you. Once you lose your health, you can lose control of your life. Gaining weight will start the cycle that’s very hard to stop. Gaining weight is the first sign that you could be losing control. Get your health back, you’ll feel better, you’ll feel happier and your problems won’t seem so big. When you’re in the right frame of mind, you’ll find that dealing with life is a lot easier.

Researchers examined the responses of 476 working adults who were surveyed about their exercise behavior and their confidence in handling work-family conflicts. Those who exercised regularly seemed to experience an increased feeling of competence that carried over into work and home roles, the study authors said. "If, for example, you go for a two-mile jog or walk 10 flights of steps at work and feel good about yourself for doing that, it will translate and carry over into other areas of life," said study author Russell Clayton, an assistant professor of management at Saint Leo University in Florida. "We found that [participants] who exercised felt good about themselves, that they felt that they could accomplish tough tasks, and that carried over into work and family life," Clayton added. 

Volumes of research have shown that exercise lowers mental and physical stress levels, but few studies have focused on whether this stress reduction helps empower individuals to  better manage their work-life balance. Clayton said the study originated as a "pet project" after he realized his own adherence to exercise gave him perspective on integrating work and life. Clayton acknowledged that the research method the study authors used -- having respondents answer questions and then tallying the answers through a mathematical technique -- did not offer hard numbers for the results. Just over half (55 percent) of the study participants were women. In addition, the study noted, participants worked an average of 40 hours weekly and their average age was 41. About 29 percent had at least one child under age 18 living at home.

"But the associations between exercise and work-life balance are there, and they're very strong," Clayton said.
For those who don't exercise regularly, the idea of adding that regimen to a busy schedule to improve stress levels may seem counterintuitive, Clayton noted.
But he advocates the idea of "stolen moments" for exercise that add up, such as climbing the stairs for five minutes or doing jumping jacks in 30-second spurts.

"People should think of it as a kind of investment. If you put some time into physical activity," said Muth, "you may be active for 30 minutes a day, but the productivity and mental focus you're going to get out of it is going to far exceed what you put into it, from a work and family perspective."

As you can tell, exercise plays a big role in lowering stress levels in your life and will help you to become a healthier, happier person.

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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