Keeping The Weight Off

Good for you: You’ve achieved your desired weight. Next up? Keeping it off. Yes, you can! Have a positive attitude. The changes you made can stick. Most people who have lost weight put the weight back on, and that’s why they lose the will to diet again. Even those who diet again and again always seem to put the weight back. You can keep the weight off. People who gain the weight back are those who return to their old way of eating. They seem to thing this time they can beat the odds. This time they can keep the weight off. You can but there’s some simple rules to follow. Use these five tips to help you stay on track: Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can slow your metabolism down; that means you'll burn less calories. Skipping meals can also cause overeating later in the day. Weigh yourself daily. A daily weight-in may seem like overkill but research shows the method is more effective than getting on the scales less frequently. If your keeping a record of your weig...