Getting Your Body In "Fit" Condition

Getting fit doesn't have to be complicated. Simple bodyweight exercises are often the best choice for those without a lot of time, money and motivation to learn or employ the latest fitness fads. Bodyweight training can also be a great choice for building strength, gaining muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning calories. Here are ten reasons to get on board with bodyweight training. 
Before you read any further, you should know that you won't become fit if you don't fix your diet first. A poor diet won't create enough energy that you need to exercise. Your exercise program can't compensate for a bad diet. 
  1. Fast Fitness Gains
    Bodyweight exercises lead to fitness gains in a hurry. Most bodyweight exercises require you to perform multi-joint movements (compound exercises) that work against gravity. These types of movements (squats, lunges, push-ups) all make up the cornerstone of any strength training routine and are extremely effective for building strength and boosting cardiovascular fitness. The fact that you can do the exercise anywhere makes it far less likely that you’ll skip a workout, and the This is a perfect formula for building fitness quickly. Add in the fact that many bodyweight exercises automatically engage core strength and stability moves, and you have a recipe for a well-rounded, effective exercise you can do for the long-term.
  2. Functional Fitness
    It’s not surprising that performing bodyweight training is ultimately performing functional fitness movements. Functional fitness is, by definition, exercising the muscles and the movement patterns that are using in real-life, daily activities. In essence, you aren’t doing exercise in a gym that is nothing like the way you move your body in real life.
  1. High-Intensity Intervals
    Bodyweight exercises are ideal for creating a high-intensity interval workout in a circuit format. To do this, you will perform 30-60 second intervals of one exercise (or a given number of reps), and then move to the next exercise. In this way, you are able to work at a higher intensity because the duration of the exercise is shortened. It’s the opposite of going to the gym and sitting on an exercise bike for an hour or jogging for 30 minutes. With bodyweight training, you work hard for about a minute and move to a new exercise for a minute. An example is 20 push-ups followed by 5 pull-ups followed by 15 jump lunges and so on.
  1. No Equipment Needed
    Although you could use some dumbbells, a pull-up bar, or other small equipment during bodyweight training, you don’t need to. There are many combinations of movements you can perform without anything more than your own body. This makes it even easier to do your workout anywhere.
  2. Not Much Space Needed
    Even the most intense of all bodyweight exercises—burpees—can be done with no more than a little bit of floor space.
  3. Easy To Customize
    Bodyweight exercises are good for both novice and elite athletes because they can be easily modified. Varying body position can change the effort level of the movement. For example, you can perform incline or decline pushups depending upon your level of ability. You can perform wall sits or tuck jumps to match your conditioning. You can also add more reps or sets to make it more challenging.
  1. Super Convenient
  2. Because you don’t need to go somewhere special or get the right equipment, gear or space, you can do bodyweight exercise anytime, anywhere. You can also easily break up your workout into smaller sessions—20 push-ups when you wake, 50 Squat Jumps before dinner,  one minute of planks before bed—and reduce your excuses for skipping a “workout.” Use bodyweight exercises just one time, and you will see how it’s pretty hard to say you don’t have time, space, money, equipment or knowledge to stick with an exercise routine. Bodyweight training makes your excuses evaporate.
  3. Build Balance and Proprioception
    A wonderful added bonus of many bodyweight movements is that they require an automatic engagement of core muscles for stability and strength in order to correctly perform the movements. Without machines,  bodyweight exercises require individuals to maintain their own movement patterns, and often build balance and improve proprioception in the process.
  4. Strenuous exercise isn't required. The object is to work as many of your muscles as possible and to rotate your joints to increase "range of motion". Working muscles will keep the muscles from losing strength and shrinking which reduces your stability and balance. 
  5. As far as losing fat, that's all about your diet. Too many carbs are the calperate, too much sugar, and too much red meat. All these things contribute to excess body fat. Thousands of years ago man only ate when he needed food or drink. Man consumed very little compaired to our diet today. Because of the endless supply of food, it's easy to over-eat. Your body burns a different amount of calories every day. It depends on how much energy you need to do whatever your doing. When you consume more calories then you burn the excess calories are stored in fat cells and for the most part never to be seen again. 
  6. Because we are consuming food on a regular basis, our body doesn't need to burn stored fat it simply burn the food your eating at that time. The trick to losing body fat is to get the body to burn your stored fat instead of the food your eating. Low-carb diets work for some people and low-fat diets work for others. What I found that works for me is a low-carb diet with no red meat and more exercise.
  7. If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

    There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $3.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at,, iBooks,,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

    My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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