Omega-3 or Fish Oil Maybe The Most Important Thing In Your Diet

I'm not a big fan of supplements and this article is a good example why. I've always felt it's better to eat the food containing the vitamins or minerals rather than trying to use supplements to give you the nutrition your missing. This Doctor worries that we're paying for something we're not getting. I'm shocked, LOL. What new?

 Dr. Phil Spiess, a board certified physician says there's something rather disturbing about fish oil and krill oil supplements that I must share with you today.  You see, while Omega-3 fatty acids is by far one of the most important parts of your diet, and I think the best thing you could ever take for your health and longevity -- providing heart health, memory, focus, skin, joint, vision, weight management, mood enhancement, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits just to name a few -- what you probably DIDN'T know is that the vast majority of fish oil supplements on the market today are completely ineffective and utterly WORTHLESS.

Why should you care. Science has wondered for decades why those people who live in the Mediterranean region are much healthier than North Americans. Even though seafood is plentiful in this country the average person doesn't eat enough. Mediterranean people eat some seafood every day. It's the Omega-3 fatty acid in seafood that keeps your moving and working parts working. All Fats are not equal and just because your on a low-fat diet you still need good fats and good fats are not stored in fat cells, the body will use good fats every day. Omega-3 will help your brain work better, remember more, and will help your heart to work better. 

Yes, it's true, and in the paragraphs that follow I'll clearly show you ALL the shocking reasons why... enough to make you wonder if ANY fish or krill oil supplement is actually worth taking, or even worse, safe to consume...

Problem #1 - Horrendous Absorption

First, most fish oil products that you find in the store are in the "ethyl ester" form, a result of the processing these products go through.  Unfortunately, numerous research studies have shown that this cheaper ethyl ester form is 3 times less absorbable than the triglyceride (TG) form that is naturally found in wild fish.

Beyond that, even with the natural TG form, many of the Omega-3s will be lost during the digestion process in the harsh acidic environment of the stomach, and only a small fraction of the oil you ingest will ever reach the small intestine to eventually be released in the blood stream and absorbed by your body's cells.

And to tell you the truth, this hugely problematic absorption issue is only one of a very LONG LIST of problems plaguing most fish oil supplements today.

Problem #2 - Not Nearly Enough "Active Ingredients"

The two most important types of Omega-3 fatty acids, providing the vast majority of health benefits, are EPA and DHA.  That said, nearly all traditional fish oil products are dramatically under-dosed, providing only a couple hundred milligrams of EPA/DHA per serving, while scientific studies show 10xs this amount is needed to see significant health benefits.

This is especially true of krill oil supplements, which are even lower in EPA and DHA (despite the outlandish claims made by krill oil manufacturers which we will expose in just a moment).  Of course, 1/10th of the true scientific dose is totally worthless -- it's like trying to make a loaf of bread with a teaspoon of flour -- and that's assuming these products meet label claims for the under-dosed amount in the first place, leading me to the next major problem:

Problem #3 - Failure to Meet Label Claims

A comprehensive study performed by Dr. Opperman of the Department of Agriculture and Food Science found that more than half of the fish oil products on the market did NOT contain the amount of EPA and DHA stated on the label.

Problem #4 - Rancid Fish Oil - YIKES!

In this same study, Dr. Opperman also discovered that the majority of fish oil products on the market had higher rancidity levels than vegetable oil from containers that had been open and exposed to the air for 3 months.  Not good! 

You see, rancid oil is extremely inflammatory and will actually cause much more damage to your heart, skin, joints and overall health by taking it.  In essence, by buying these products you are PAYING to put your health in danger!  Probably not what you were hoping to achieve by investing in a fish oil supplement...

Problem #5 - Excessive Contaminants & Rampant Mislabeling

Another study performed by Consumer Lab -- a leading watchdog of the supplement industry -- examining 35 leading fish oil brands uncovered that 31.4% of the products examined contained excessive contaminants and/or false, misleading information and claims on their label.

Problem #6 - Not Enough DHA (The Most Important Omega-3)

Almost all fish oil products are EPA dominant, containing at least 50% more EPA than DHA, while there is an overwhelming amount of research to show that higher levels of DHA lead to the greatest health benefits, particularly with regard to heart heath, brain health, anti-aging properties, and even the fat loss effects of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Given that fact, why do you think fish oil manufacturers aren't decreasing the amount of EPA in their products and increasing the DHA levels?  Simple! It's expensive and as you've already learned, most nutritional supplement companies are notorious for cutting corners to fatten their wallets at your expense.

Problem #7 - Unpleasant & Embarrassing "Fish Burps"

If you've ever taken a fish oil supplement, then you're probably all too familiar with the unpleasant nature of "fish burps."  This can be flat-out uncomfortable, not to mention the potential for embarrassment due to bad breath.

And again, ALL of this is in addition to the vast majority of the fish oil that you ingest never being absorbed, and effectively being completely worthless...

Are You Being CHEATED By Your Fish Oil Supplement?

Simply put, if you are taking a traditional fish oil supplement, you are being CHEATED out of your hard-earned money and even worse, it's very likely that you are putting both you and your family in danger at the same time.  And unfortunately TG form fish oil isn't much better, only moderately increasing absorption over ethyl-ester fish oil products, and again, ALL of the other problems we just went over beyond absorption are still of major concern.

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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