Stop Doing those "Lose Weight Quick" Fad Diets

All the promises from Weight Loss 'so called' experts are only sales gimmicks to get you to spend money. You don't have to spend money to lose weight. The lose weight quick plans won't reduce your body fat. And if you don't lose fat those pounds will come back just as quick as they left.

Shortcuts are awesome. Who doesn’t appreciate a nice back road that slices a commute in half? I’ve been known to skip ironing because the wrinkles usually fall out in a couple of hours, anyway. Sometimes, steps can be skipped or shortened without compromising the result too much. Unfortunately for dieters, weight loss is generally not something that can be rushed along... at least, not if you want long-term success. Then you’re right back where you started.
Before you buy out your local produce section’s entire stock of grapefruit, consider the following reasons why quick-fix diets are not the answer to your waistline woes:

But... I always see good results with quickie diets. It’s true that quick-fix diets can help you get the pounds off, but most of the time the pounds come back with a vengeance. The smarties over at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) insist that people who make real, sustainable lifestyle changes are better-equipped to keep weight off. They recommend a loss of one to two pounds per week to be healthy and realistic.

But... quick fix diets aren’t bad for me. According to Weight-control Information Network, the recurrent loss and regain of weight is known as “weight cycling.” Although much more study needs to happen on the subject, many experts agree that yo-yo dieting can affect mental health, cholesterol and blood pressure, at the very least. Listen, anybody can lose weight, just don't eat anything in about 5 days you will probably weigh less. That's not the way to lose weight. If you want to look and feel better, lose your fat, lose the fat around the middle.
What's the sense in losing weight if you end up with all the fat still around the middle just like before.  You accomplished nothing and the pounds will return and you gained nothing. 

But... I don’t have time to waste on a conventional diet. Think about it this way: The more time you spend indulging in quick-fix diets that don’t work for the long-term, the longer it takes to lose weight and keep it off. I know CDC’s one-to-two-pound-per-week weight loss limit seems excruciatingly slow, but doing it the healthy way will give you the waistline you want for good.
Concentrate on losing inches, inches around the waist and stop worrying about the scale. Drop two pants sizes and don't worry about the numbers on the scale. 

But... I need a diet that's easy to follow. Plenty of people turn to quickie diets because they have clear-cut rules: Don’t eat carbs. Don’t eat meat. Don’t eat anything but salmon and cashews. All that's fine if it works for you. However, a lot of us have trouble sticking with these strict diet plans. Try the Mediterranean diet plan. You'll find info on the internet and a food pyramid to tell you what to eat and how many times a week to eat different items. I like it because you have dozens of choices of food to eat. There are no set meals just eat the foods they suggest and do the exercise every day and drink lots of water. Stay with the plan and don't add anything to your diet.

But... I need my diet to be really strict. A lot of quick-fix diets totally restrict certain foods and entire food groups. In the beginning, it might seem doable, but if you have a sweet tooth and have to totally give up chocolate, that diet is begging for a midnight binge session. Most sensible diets encourage the occasional splurge. Just don’t go completely wild and you’ll be cool. I keep heart-healthy dark chocolates in my cookie jar. When I feel the need for a “fix” I simply grab three or four and savor them slowly.

But... such-and-such television doctor backed this diet supplement. I know your mother taught you this one: If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. So if a TV doc or commercial is saying you can lose a ton of weight by popping a pill and not changing anything lifestyle-related, just remember what your mama said.
So take control of your nutritional destiny. Toss the weight loss pills in the trash or demand a refund. Find the plan that works for you and your individual needs. When done the right way, “diet” doesn’t have to be a dirty four-letter word.

If you really want to lose the extra flab you can get help, I write 4 blogs and I’ve written two E-books. E-books are the easiest and cheapest way to learn about any subject without groping through hundreds of website looking for the material you want.

My first e-book is “HowBadDoYouWantToLoseWeight” and it sells for $2.99 on most online bookstores like Amazon,, iBook, Kobo, and Gardner books in the U.K.

My second e-book is available in the same stores. And on smash 


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