Weight Loss Facts

Weight Loss Facts

diets don’t work
starchy foods cause weight gain
small frequent meal promotes weight loss
quick weight loss programs work temporarily
watch out for peanut butter
starvation mode will cause weight gain
are low glycemic foods better?
about surgery
skipping breakfast
high-intensity workouts
is more protein good
natural foods are better
fat burners may speed-up weight loss

What's the truth? It can be hard for new dieters to face the fact that weight loss might be harder than it seems. It's not the same for any of us. Many of us are tempted to believe the advertisements, books and program endorsements that tell us that weight loss is easy. Those are the ones that have something to sell. The truth is that it may not be that hard, but the catch is that weight loss is different for everyone.

It's making the changes that's hard. Changing our eating habits is especially difficult because our physical, social, cultural and sometimes even emotional patterns involve food. If you quit smoking, you know what I mean.

Learning to eat a healthy diet is certainly possible. But it takes time and practice. Is it worth the effort? Yes, absolutely. But before you start the process it's important to gather support and set both short and long terms goals to guide you through the process. Goals are necessary and they don't have to be hard. My first goal was to lose two pants sizes. I didn't care about the scale. I had gone from a 34 waistline to a 38 and I didn't like the way those fit. I just wanted to go back to a 36 pants again. Simple right and it was simple, the hard part is staying there. Once I bought the new pair of jeans, the size 36, I threw out the size 38's and never looked back. I wasn't going back to those 38's and I don't wear sweat pants.

I think you have to accept the fact that you have to change your life. You have to give-up the things you eat and the way you eat. Permanent weight loss will mean giving-up everything your doing now and everything your eating now. You have to accept those facts as being true and want to change your life. We can be thin, trim, and fit if we want to make the sacrifices.

There are a couple of simple steps you can take to help you on your weight loss journey.

Step #1

The problem for most of us, is that we don’t want to give-up our old lives, we might have to give up some of our friends and we’ll have to make changes we don’t want to make. We want a better body but what we want is a pill to make the fat disappear. That only works for a few weeks and you go back to your old way of eating and you put the weight back on. Taking weight loss pills will help you lose weight, but the weight is not all fat. The truth be known, most of the weight loss will be muscle mass.

I lost a total of 60 pounds over a period of several years. I kept thinking I only had to lose 20 pounds. Yes, 20 pounds and I'll be slim and trim again. The problem was that after I lost the 20 pounds, I was still fat. Then I lost another 20 pounds and I was still fat. Finally I realized I was losing about 15 pounds of muscle and only 5 pounds of fat. So, now I'm under 180 pounds, I came down from 220 pounds and I still have belly fat, yes it was a little smaller but I lost more than 40 pounds, why do I still have belly fat?

This often leads to depression and binge eating which causes larger health problems. I guess you thought there was a step 2, but there’s no step 2 if you can’t get pass step 1. Ninety percent of people regain their weight loss and ninety percent of those end up with serious health problems later in life.

You can live healthy all the way to the end of your life if you eat the right way and stay fit; it’s that simple. Excess body fat is the biggest enemy we have. It causes all your major diseases and illnesses and even cancer. Be the adult in the room and take charge of your health; you’ll be a happier person with way more energy.

Since I changed my life and started to eat healthy, I lost my body fat, I'm 158 pounds today size 34 pants and I have more energy than I can remember ever having. The last time I weighed 158 I was a freshman in High School. And since I changed my diet and eat only fresh food, nothing processed and no drinks that have calories, except for a small glass of red wine with dinner, I don't get sick anymore. I use to be good for two colds a year, one in winter and one in summer but no more and I don't take vitamins. I get my vitamins from the food I'm eating.

If you want to see first hand what your doing wrong and why I think that your weight problem may be because of the foods your eating, You should start a food log. Write down everything you eat and drink every day. Then when you have time, look up the calories for those foods. It's not that hard because if you're like me, the foods you eat every week are about the same. You might not eat the same thing every Monday, but you do repeat the same foods every week or two. Use a food app to help you.

If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my e-books at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet. Instead of spending hours on the internet reading dozens of posts, you can save time by picking up one of my e-books. 

There are two e-books. “How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?” is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites below and search the title to find my e-book. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at Amazon.com, B&N.com, iBooks, Kobo.com, Scribd.com, or Gardner Books in the U.K.

My new e-book is available on Smashwords.com, just type “getting to a Healthy Weight” in the search box at the top of the home page. 


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