Can Protein Power Help With Weight Loss?
This post was first on Hungry Girl, one of my favorite blogs.
Protein powder isn’t just for bodybuilders anymore. It’s gone totally mainstream! It’s definitely a good way to add protein to your diet, but can it also help with weight loss?
One review of studies found that replacing some of your daily calories with whey protein could decrease body weight and body fat.
I'm going to insert a few words here because I wrote about the same subject a few weeks ago. I mix protein powder in plain Greek yogurt and add it to my milk shakes every day. Anyone that's been dieting for a while knows that you want to increase protein to increase muscle mass which in turn burns more body fat.
Increasing protein doesn't mean you have to eat more meat. It means you should eat more protein without consuming more animal protein. Meat should only be about 20% of your total food intake. Eggs are a good source of protein and you can get protein powder that is plant base, no animal protein. When you're trying to burn body fat you should limit the animal fat your eating. The problem with animal meat is that it all contains animal fat. It's marbled through the meat. Any kind of meat is marbled with fat. Hamburger has more animal fat than most meats. Poultry has a different kind of fat and by removing the skin and trimming off the yellow fat you can eliminate about 90%. Seafood has healthy fats that will only help your body.
A study from 2010 revealed a relationship between ingesting whey protein and improved body composition.
Those who ate or drank whey protein lost weight and decreased their body fat.
And finally, the protein itself - in all forms, not just powder - has been shown to help with weight loss. One study found that a high-protein diet can boost metabolism and results of another suggest protein helps suppress appetite.
It’s no secret that protein helps you feel full and several reputable studies have found that it’s helpful for weight loss. Protein is essential for overall health regardless of your weight goals. And while the jury is still out on whether protein powder is any better for weight loss than protein in any other form, here are some points to consider:
- Adding protein powder to foods that typically lack protein like pancakes, for example, can make them more satisfying without adding a lot of calories. In this way, it can be good for weight loss.
- Some people make the mistake of adding too many calories to their day in the form of protein powder when they really don't need it. If you're already pairing your pancakes with a container of Greek yogurt, there's no need to add extra calories from protein powder. That could be a bad thing for weight loss.
So, if you struggle to consume enough protein or you want to sneak some into your favorite carby foods, protein powder is a great way to do so. But remember calories count! An ounce of protein powder tends to have about 20 grams of protein, but it also has around 100 calories. It’s definitely not a “free” food.
Some powders have even more calories, so always read labels. And keep in mind that you don't need a whole ounce to add a nice boost of protein.
Here are some tips on how to incorporate protein powder into your diet:
- Add to your pancake batter. Toss a few tablespoons into a pancake (or waffle) batter for an instant protein punch.
- Add to your smoothie and blend for longer than usual. Protein powder gives smoothies and shakes an extra-frothy texture. Just blend on high for a little longer than you normally would.
- Add to your oatmeal or overnight oats. If you love to start the day with an oat-based breakfast, protein powder is a great way to make your whole grains more satisfying.
So how much protein does the average person need? My doctor wanted me to get about 60 grams of protein a day and first suggested protein powder to me a few years ago. Consuming protein will keep you from getting hungry. If you seem to be hungry all the time you might not be getting enough or your not getting the right kind of protein to keep you satisfied.
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My first e-book is “HowBadDoYouWantToLoseWeight” and it sells for $2.99 on most online bookstores like Amazon,, iBook, Kobo, and Gardner books in the U.K.
My second e-book is available in the same stores. And on smash If you use the smash word promotional code You can get my second book for $1.99 (PJ42H). Just type in the search line “getting to a healthy weight”.
