Mysteries of Weight Loss Continued....

I'm not a big fan of low-carb diets for losing body fat, but some people are insulin-resistant, which means when they eat carbs they spike their blood sugar. "So, what?" When you eat foods that cause your blood sugar levels or glucose levels to shoot up very fast after eating then get ready for a quick drop. That's the real problem, that quick drop will cause more food cravings so you'll be snacking after a big meal and you won't be hungry but you have the cravings for salty or sweet and it drives you to eat more and those cravings will continue until you ate some much you're uncomfortable.
Low-carb diets are all about balancing blood sugar (blood glucose) levels. Beyond weight loss, we eat low-carb diets to keep our blood sugar normal and stable. To fully understand the connection, it's helpful to first familiarize yourself with how the body processes blood sugar in a normal state and even explore how that changes when there's a problem, such as in diabetics.
What Do Carbohydrates Have to Do With Blood Glucose?
Carbohydrates have everything to with blood glucose.
All foods with carbohydrate -- whether rice, jelly beans, or watermelon -- break down to simple sugars in our bodies turning into glucose through metabolic processes. This process is what causes our blood glucose to rise. The carbohydrate in most starchy foods (potatoes, bread) is simply a collection of long chains of glucose, which break down quickly and raise blood sugar.
What Does Our Body Do When Blood Sugar is High?
When our blood sugar goes up, our body responds by secreting insulin to stabilize it. The sugar is then taken out of the blood and converted into fat; insulin's primary function is facilitating the storage of extra sugar in the blood as fat. Diabetics are unable to balance blood sugar when the process of converting food to energy takes place. When sugar levels are high, the ability of cells in pancreas to make insulin goes down. The pancreas overcompensates for this lack of insulin and insulin levels stay high, as does blood sugar.
Over time, the pancreas is permanently damaged and other bodily functions are affected such as hardened blood vessels, among other ailments.
What are the Problems with Blood Sugar Going Up?
However, for many people, this metabolic process works fine. Sometimes, though, people reach a point in their lives when it goes awry (or it doesn't work well from childhood).
This is called insulin resistance, and one of the consequences is that there gets to be too much insulin in the blood as the body tries harder and harder to bring the sugar down. When insulin is high, weight gain is more likely, since a main function of insulin is fat storage. Conversely, people with high insulin levels are more likely to lose weight on low-carb diets.
Keeping blood glucose normal has other health benefits, such as the prevention of heart disease and diabetes. Even non-diabetics have an increased heart disease risk with higher blood glucose levels.
If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my Ebook at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet.
“How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?”, is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites and search the title to find my Ebook. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
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