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The Way Your Body Works

The Way Your Body Works

by ray0369
I've written about this several times but only pieces of the whole picture. I want to explain the way I understand  how the body works. If you read between the lines you can see why you might be having trouble losing weight.
The body is an ever-changing structure, it's really very complicated. Your blood has to feed and heal every part of the body. When you're born you receive nutrients from your mother and they're stored by the body for later. The body's most important function is to prevent you from starving. Now you have this excess nutrition the body has stored and this extra layer of what we call "baby fat" also for protection.
So as the years pass we use up the baby fat but if you have been eating properly the body still has most of the stored nutrients. We have to eat nutrients in our food to enrich the blood. After eating and after the stomach processes your food, your Liver takes the nutrients from that food by separating it from the waste, filtering out any toxins and sending the nutritional part into the blood stream. The enriched blood goes to the heart where the blood is directed to different areas of the body. A large portion going to the brain. The blood has to be carried to every inch of the body. It's only the blood that will keep everything working properly.
In today's modern diet, most of us don't get enough nutrients. Most of our food supply has been stripped of the nutrition in the manufacturing process. When your blood doesn't have enough nutrition for the whole body it will decide what body functions are more important and feed those first. Blood is circulated all through the body all the time, but for example, the Liver has hundreds of different functions and when it doesn't have time to accomplish everything it will prioritize and decide what to do first. It's the largest of the interior organs and does the most work.
As the body runs low on nutrients, and your diet isn't replenishing nutrients, your body will being to decline or what we call "age". If you're not getting enough nutrients in your food the first thing you'll notice is a lack of energy. Second, you'll begin to increase your body fat. These changes will happen very slowly and you won't even notice any changes at first.
This decline that happens to your body, begins with a poor diet, lack of nutrition which slows down body functions. Slowing down body functions is the primary cause of the body adding fat. It's one of the body's defensive mechanisms to prevent starvation. Remember, that's the body's main function. "Prevent starvation".
So, the question is "how to we prevent the body from adding fat?"This is the secret to staying thin. First I should tell you that the body has no defensive mechanism that will stop adding fat. The body doesn't know how much is too much. So, if the body doesn't get the nutrition it needs in the food, it will store that food in fat cells and send out food cravings for more food. It's not really food the body wants it's nutrients and it's not getting what it needs, so it keeps sending for more. Somewhere, through evolution, we lost the ability to know what the body is telling us, so we think that just by filling up our stomach we will take care of our body when in fact that's not the answer.
Exercise doesn't really enter into the fat storage problem. When you're eating properly and getting the nutrients your body needs every day, and not consuming food or drinks that the body can't process, then you'll have more energy and you will be more active.
I don't do any strenuous exercise, I do Yoga to keep my body parts working properly. I hope you understood my explanation of the body and why it's so important to eat the right foods.
If you really want to lose your body fat than look for my Ebook at the websites listed below. You'll get information on Healthy eating, exercise, and diet.
“How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight?”, is available at all the online bookstores selling for $1.99. Go to any of the websites and search the title to find my Ebook. This book gives you all you need to lose weight without spending money on gym memberships, diet plans or meal plans. Look for my book. at, B&, iBooks,, or Gardner Books in the U.K.
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