It Doesn't Cost Money to Lose Weight

If you listen to all the commercials on TV and radio you might think that you can't afford to diet. The diet pills are expensive, the meals you have to buy in the frozen food section of the grocery are really expensive that's all you eat 24/7. You could buy the exercise equipment they sell on TV, but you'll be making payments for years, and which one will work for you?

How does a person know what to do?

I wrote an Ebook on this subject and I write about this on several blogs. You don't have to spend money to lose weight. I should know, I spent lots of money over a couple decades trying to lose weight. And even after I lost some of the 40 pounds I want to lose, I was still fat. I knew I had to read up on this, I knew I was doing something wrong.

I learned that I should be working on losing fat and forget about the the number on the scale. So I started reading up on body fat, how we gain fat and how we should lose fat. I found that first of all, you can't exercise to build muscle and at the same time lose fat. Humans lose fat by eating the right foods and we build muscle by exercising. To very different things and you need to lose the fat first.

I tried the Dash Diet, which is really a diet to promote good health, but besides getting healthy you will lose weight. You can't starve yourself and expect to lose weight. That only works for 10 pounds or so, and then your body stop eating stored fat and starts it's hibernation mode to prevent starvation. Your body will always do whatever it takes to prevent you from dying for as long as it can. It's a built in self defense mechanisms you all have.

So to lose weight little by little is the way to trick your body. As long as your body gets all the nutrition it needs while you're losing weight, then the body doesn't care and the bonus for you is an increasing amount of energy.  So, you have to eat at least 5 times a day, about every three hours, to keep the body happy and avoid food cravings.

Now for you, the trick might be changing the food you're eating. You can eat whatever you need to stay satisfied, but you want to eat less calories. For me that meant to eat fresh foods and only drink no-calorie drink and water. I drank mostly water, I read that when you're trying to lose weight you should drink a 12oz. bottle of water every two hours between breakfast and dinner. I ate lots of vegetables, fruits and fish, some poultry and almost no red meat. I would snack on nuts and yogurt.

The first month, I lost one pants size. I would only weight myself to make sure I was going in the right direction. All I was concerned about was the inches around my waist. I started with a size 38 pants and now I'm a size 34. I'm collecting Social Security now, but I weight the same as I did in High School. I lived in denial for many years, thinking I only had to lose a few pounds and I'd be back to my perfect weight. In those days, I never realized how much extra fat I really had.

I write E-books and blogs about fitness and weight loss. I’ll show you the cheapest, inexpensive way to lose weight. Right now and for a limited time, my E-book, "How Bad Do You Want To Lose Weight”, is $1.99 on all the major sites., iBooks, B&,, and many others in several other countries. 


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