Why Do We Have So Much Trouble Losing Weight?

I believe some of the problem may be psychological. If a person is not willing to make the changes to their life that's necessary for weight loss than maybe subconsciously they don't want to lose weight or they don't want to be bothered with going through the necessary changes. I found while talking to clients that they want to lose weight and they are aware of the benefits, but they don't want to be bothered going through the steps. They either don't want to change their lives because they like their life the way it is or they don't want to take the time to make any changes.

If your aware of the benefits, why do you want to wait until your doctor says that losing weight is critical to your health. If your still in good health but overweight, it's much easier to become slim and trim now. Your doctor usually doesn't recommend weight loss until your vital signs are in trouble. After your blood pressure is elevated and your cholesterol is elevated, sure it's time to lose weight, but for some reason most of us choose to take a pill instead of lose weight.

If you wait until your on medication it's harder to lose weight, it's always easier if your still healthy. If you start with a healthy diet and work into the exercise part slowly, any increase in extra activity will help you lose weight. You can do this at any age or any physical condition.

The exercise part of being healthy can begin slowly and gradual, but the diet part will workout better if you make a complete change all at once and stay with the new meal plan and never look back.  Those who try to easy into a diet plan never seem to stick with it.

After I made up my mind that I was going to do this, to change my life and become slim and fit and healthy, I gathered the food in my house except for the bottles of water and the spice rack and donated it to the local food kitchen. I found a small market that specialized in organic produce and fresh meat and seafood and starting shopping there. I would only buy about two days worth of food at one time. I was eating a high-fiber, low-saturated fat diet. High fiber is good for weight loss because you stay full with more fiber. I stayed away from dairy and ate more fish, some poultry and no red meat. I was trying to avoid as much animal fat as possible. I was only only drinking water, tea, some coffee and an occasional glass of red wine.

I wasn't trying to cut back on food, I just cut-out the high-calorie foods. I eat oatmeal in the morning with fruit or honey. Plain non-fat Greek yogurt is a good snack, I know it's dairy but the diet gurus say that non-fat Greek yogurt is Okay. It's high in protein and has no fat. You can also eat fruit for a snack. At Lunch I always eat a salad with walnuts or almonds, avocado, and other vegetables or fruit. I don't buy head lettuce, I use spinach leaves and other leafy greens. I only put extra virgin olive oil and vinegar on my salads. I try never to use anything with "saturated fat". In the afternoon I might have an apple or non-fat Greek yogurt with honey. At dinner, 4 oz. of fish or other seafood that's low in mercury or 3 oz. of breast of chicken or turkey and brown rice or a sweet potato a three different vegetables. I buy peas frozen but the carrots and tomatoes are fresh. I change the vegetables often with more leafy green ones. I avoid starchy vegetables like white potatoes and corn.

If I have dessert I choose fruit and I don't eat the 3 hours before bed. This helps me sleep better and if I walk the dog after dinner that's even better, I sleep like a baby. I'm so much happier and much healthier now that I lost the extra body fat.

I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.

My ebook is available at www.amazon.com, www.B&N.com, iBooks (download the app), kobo.com, scribd.com and many more. My ebook will go on sale in May for $1.99. This special will only last for a limited time.


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