Why Do I Eat When I'm Not Hungry?

These are some of the most common reasons and the solutions. The first one and I think the most common reason is Boredom. We often head for the frig when we have nothing to do. At work, you might head for the break room to see if anyone brought treats. It happens to me when I'm writing, I just need a break, so I head for the kitchen, or at work it's the break room to see if they filled the vending machines.

Well try this instead, go talk to a co-worker, ask them if they want to get a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. If I'm home it's a little different, There's no one to talk to. So call someone if your bored. When your home along you don't have to punch a clock so just get up and walk around, take time to organize your thoughts. Turn on the TV for a while, Turn on CNN for a few minutes to see the headlines or the weather and then go back to work. The only reason you head for the kitchen or the break room is because that what your use to. That's the routine your accustom to.

Next is the need to taste something. This is a variation of boredom eating. The best solution for this is a piece of sugar-free gum. If you don't like gum and you can brush your teeth with a toothpaste with a minty flavor. Mint helps kill cravings. You can also grab a glass of homemade flavored water. Look up recipes on the internet. Some flavored waters will actually kill cravings. The third one is Nervous Energy. When your out with others or in a business meeting and the others are eating, you feel an obligation to eat. I know when I'm attending a seminar for the job and I'm not that anxious to be there, it makes me a little on edge, the food is out there for all of us, so I eat and drink when everyone else does. I could have just sat in my seat during the break or walked the hall but I guess I was hoping to meet someone at the refreshment table. The solution to this one is to stand away from the food table so your not tempted. Not everyone goes for the food, walk around and meet up with someone who is standing by their seat or someone who walk out in the hall.

The objective is to change your habits. The next one is Emotional Comfort. Food fills an emotional void for many people. If this is the reason that your eating when your not hungry, you have some options. Try replacing the snack habit with physical activity. Take a walk, or do some yoga for 10 minutes. Snacking is just a habit, you don't need to eat. Physical activity really works to kill the craving for food. Yes, I know exercise in mid-day is difficult especially at work, but you can usually take a walk when ever you need to, even at work.

The last is your Habits. Mindless eating might start out as boredom eating but if your snacking every afternoon about the same time, now it becomes a habit. The next time you get up to go in the kitchen or break room ask yourself "why". By doing that maybe you can stop yourself and go for that walk instead. If you just have to eat something mid-afternoon, bring some nuts from the house or some small carrots. Both are nutritious and that means these aren't just empty calories. When you cut back on calories, every calorie you eat has to count for something. No empty calories. That's the way you add on fat. When I take a break, from writing I like hot tea or ice tea with lemon and a piece of cheese or hand full of almonds. Nutritious food is more satisfying and will satisfy you longer. You won't have cravings as much and you will eat less food and that means less calories. I have to think about everything I put in my mouth. Is this good for my diet? That's how I maintain my weight.


I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight and exercise that will help you lose weight. I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.

My ebook is available at www.amazon.com, www.B&N.com, iBooks (download the app), kobo.com, scribd.com and many more. Price $3.99


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