Losing Body Fat Isn't Impossible


Did You know that less than 3% of Americans are physically fit. I don't mean the ones who are trying to get fit, I'm talking about the people who are physically fit. It's sad and I hate to think about it. The cost of not being healthy is over $100,000 per person in a lifetime, plus the fact that overweight people are not as productive and on average earn less money over their lifetime.

Overweight people will pay more for health insurance over their lifetime, they will see the doctor more often, they will take more sick days, and they will take more medications over their life and all of this will cost the average person more money and is costing the tax payer more money in taxes because of those people who can't afford to pay.

For those people who have been trying to lose weight and always regain the weight and never seem to lose the fat, there is hope. Anyone can lose the fat and keep it off. Losing fat is the key to good health. The only people who fail to lose fat are the ones who return to their old diet. They go back to the restaurant food that put on the fat.

I think of losing fat as the same as quitting smoking. I quit smoking 40 years ago and it's easier than losing body fat. I have to admit that I quit several time before I actually stopped smoking. But in a couple of months I was through with cigarettes. I just stopped, we called it cold-turkey. 40 years ago we didn't have the prescriptions you can take to help you stop. We didn't have the "patch", so I just stopped.

That's how I stopped eating the wrong foods, I just stopped. I had read enough that I knew if I was going to lose my belly fat I would have to stop eating bad fats. The body can't process bad fats so your body stores those fats in fat cells and they stay there.

I had to start eating clean, fresh foods. I choice the diet of the Mediterranean people. They eat whole-grains, not the grain we eat. They eat very little red meat; mostly fish and poultry. They eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, and dairy then we do and basically they still eat like farmers did in this country 50 years ago.

I was raised on a small farm and I remember how we grew our own food, we raised our own chickens and the cow next door gave us all the milk we needed. Besides the garden, we had an apple orchid, grape vines, raspberries, pears and plums.

We had so much food we use to give it away. I wrote a ebook that will give you the in-site into eating fresh, the benefits to eating fresh and how you to can lose the fat you've want to get rid of. After you lose your body fat you'll feel years younger and much healthier and have more energy.

I didn't realize that it wasn't my age that made me feel old, it was the extra body fat robbing me of my energy. I never feel tired now. I weigh less than I can ever remember. I'm 6 foot tall and weight 158. Just 10 years ago I weighed 220 pounds, and I was miserable. Today at age 71, I ride a bike 3 miles a day, do yoga and lift weights twice a week. I like to swim and I often walk several miles just for the exercise.

Don't give up on yourself because your getting older and losing your energy. Change what you eat and get more exercise and lose that fat, that's the key to good health.
I write about losing weight, how to lose weight, what foods to eat when you're trying to lose weight and exercise that will help you lose weight. I wrote an ebook that will give you all the info in one read. It's a how-to book that also tells you about the mistakes I made and how to avoid them.

My ebook is available at www.amazon.com, www.B&N.com, iBooks (download the app), kobo.com, scribd.com and many more. Price $3.99


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