It Doesn't Cost Money to Lose Weight

Exercise alone doesn’t make you lose weight, in fact exercise can cause you to gain weight. You have to diet. Exercise help you to retain muscle mass. The object in losing weight is to lose the fat and lose inches. Checking the scale everyday won’t help you lose weight. If your plan is working then you’ll lose inches and your clothes will begin to fit better and even become baggy. You’ll start to have more energy and you’ll actually become a happier person. Exercise does play an important part of a weight lose plan.

Once you change the way you eat, start eating healthy foods and stop eating those foods and drinks with empty calories. Food and drinks that do nothing to help you lose weight are empty calories. Some people think they will lose weight by eating low-fat foods or diet foods in the grocery store that are low in calories, but this won’t help you. Prepared foods like TV dinners or ready-made sandwiches, frozen pizzas, and other already prepared foods even bread, or rolls are made to taste good, not good for you. Learn to eat fresh and make your own food. Stay out of restaurants or any place that prepares food to go. There all the same, the food is made to taste good, that doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

So, straighten out your diet and start to exercise and you’ll lose weight. Exercise doesn’t have to mean hours in the gym every week. You can exercise at home with only one small piece of equipment. But you don’t even need that, you can start walking more. I started by walking the dog at night. After dinner I’d walk the dog for an hour. Big dogs love it and you’ll help them maintain their weight and live longer, while you’ll be helping yourself. Small dogs don’t like walking that much, so mine walked for a while and I carried him for a while, then he walked more and I carried him more and so on. After a few weeks he got use to it.

If you do buy equipment, I like the stationary bike, being a senior with sore knees, the bike was perfect, no weight on the joints and it helped my knees. Of course I did it to get exercise, not for therapy, but I got a two for one out of the bike. The other equipment I like is a rebounder. Dr. Oz says 20 minutes on the rebounder and that’s all the exercise you need all day. If you’ve never seen one and have internet access, google “rebounders”, it looks like a small trampoline. If you look on the Amazon website they have a variety to choose from. My wife bought one at a sporting goods store cheap and has had it for more than 10 years. You can spend a little or a lot, but the only important thing is that it’s rated for a person your weight.

To get back to the point, the exercise will help you be a healthier person, but the diet is how you’ll lose the weight. You need both if you don’t want to end up shaped like a pear.

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