The Truth About Bread

Yes, bread can be the cause of your weight problem. We all know that whole grain is the best type of bread to eat. Some people think that brown bread is whole grain, but the color brown doesn’t come from the grain, it comes from molasses and other additives. The three types of whole grain bread I like are "whole wheat, whole oats and whole rye. I like rye the best because I like the taste, but rye has the real rye seeds in the bread. Don’t be misled by bread that say multi-grain, seven grain, stone-ground or 100% wheat, these are not whole grain, I don’t think they have the same nutritional value. When buying a good loaf of bread keep it on the counter. Good bakery bread will keep 1 to 3 days depending on the amount of preservatives. If you want to keep bread for a long time do not refrigerate it’s better to freeze it. It will stay fresh for 2 to 3 months. Eating bread morning, noon, and night is a load of carbs, but that’s not the only reason to watch how much bread you eat,...