The Truth About Diets

If your new at dieting or just one of those who can’t keep the weight off, you keep trying but the weight always comes back, then maybe this book is for you. If you truly want to lose the extra pounds you don’t need to diet, you don’t need to starve yourself, you need to change your life. I know what your thinking, “Do I really want to go through all of that. It’s going to be so much work.” If you tried everything already or even if your new to dieting, I’m going to tell you my story.

Many years ago I owned a casual dining restaurant, Pizza and Italian food. I did a lot of the cooking and after 5 years I gained about 50 pounds. I eventually sold the restaurant but I couldn’t lose the weight. At first I didn’t really try, sure, I started going to the gym and I stopped eating pizza for several months, but I wasn’t actively trying. I had bought a new business and I was busy training new people and managing the business. After a couple of years I did manage to lose about 20 pounds. After the business started to pickup and I hired a manager, I had more time to work out but I didn’t think the diet was that important. I was eating the same as always. I did cut back on the Italian food, but I wasn’t counting calories. I figured I could sweat the pounds off, like I did in high school when I was running.

Believe me, when your over 40, it’s not like when you were in high school. I was cross training, swimming, riding a stationary bike, and weight lifting but I was stuck at 190 pounds. After several more years of working out on and off, working through injuries, some lasting for a few months, I had a talk with my wife. She’s a health nut who eats little meat and lots of veggies with some fruit but only in small amounts. She told me the truth about my diet. You eat too much bakery goods, too much red meat, too much fruit and just too much in general. Some people could live for 3 or 4 days on what you eat in one day. And it’s not only eating, you drink soda like water and every time you drink ice tea you put 2 packs of sugar. Just watching on weekends boggles my mind. You must eat, drink and inhale more than 3000 calories a day. I’m amazed your not 250 pounds.

I said, “Honey, I’m always hungry”. And she told me that eating all those carbs from the bread and other bakery goods, plus all the sweet fruit and all the sweet drinks will give me food cravings. “It’s like an addition”. “Except for the meat, everything else you eat is turning into sugar and your not burning all that sugar, so your body stores the extra sugar as fat”. She told me to cut my calories in half. “A man can live on less than 2000 calories a day. Just eat good calories that have nutrition”.

She told me that when I was working out, I was suppose to burn fat, but I was doing was burning the sugar I was eating that day. I had the habit of working out on the way home in the afternoon. All the sugar from the drinks and from the starchy foods I ate would fuel my workout, so I didn’t burn any body fat. I was getting the energy from the foodsI had just ate. So I wasn’t gaining weight but I wasn’t losing any either. That was about 10 years ago. Now I’m 165 pounds with far less body fat, much more energy and I’m very healthy for someone my age. My doctor can’t believe I’ll be 70 and I don’t take any prescriptions. My blood pressure is great, 120 over 75, and my other vitals are good.

It’s mostly due to my diet. I still to this day only eat half of what I use to eat. I don’t drink any soda or juice drinks (too much sugar). Half of the calories I eat come from veggies. Only 4 ounces of meat a day. Only one piece of fruit a day. I drink lots of water ( very cold with lemon ). Also Ice Tea, no sugar. My weakness is still bread but I only eat whole grain. I was lucky my favorite is rye bread. My secret that keeps me from getting hungry is Greek Yogurt. I save enough calories through the day to eat between meals, so mid-morning and mid-afternoon I eat a cup of Greek Yogurt. I get the plain yogurt. If I want fruit I’ll buy a pouch of frozen blueberries. I get the yogurt in the quart containers and before I leave for work I’ll get a plastic container and put together my own fruit yogurt. Most of the people at work bring their lunch and buy a drink, but As long as I’m bring lunch, I’ll bring a container of ice tea. I drink about 6 bottles of water at work so the tea is a welcome change. If you want to get healthy you have to eat healthy all day everyday. Just make up your mind your going to do this.

I’m not perfect, and I have a life too, so I allow myself one cheap meal each week. I save it for a time when I’m going out to eat. I can always find something on a menu that’s has some nutrition. The trick is not to over-eat.


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