Portion Control Helps You Lose Weight

There’s no set rule for food intake. A rule of thumb is that you should not eat more calories than you burn. Burning calories is governed by the amount of activity you have that day. That’s why your weight can go up or down from day to day. That’s why you want to do exercise every day, but don’t get crazy and do like 2 hours on a treadmill, if your not use to that much activity it just increases your appetite. You can walk that two hours a day if you like, but do it slow, maybe while you’re watching TV, if you use a treadmill or a walk in the Park or join the Mall Walkers in the morning.

There is a study today about employees of a life insurance company that opted to put a work table with laptop above their treadmill, there better known as a stand-up desk and you can adjust the hight. It’s been very successful. Several employees have lost weight over time. While they’re working they were walking about 4 hours of their 8 hour work day. Not all at the same time, they break up the walking, some in the morning and some after lunch. Now this is a study that didn’t cover a diet plan. Employees eat their normal meals, they just increased the exercise. No speed walking, just a slow constant pace. I think the fact that these people are working while standing and not sitting also help them lose weight. Your more activate when you stand, have less back problems and are more productive.

I don’t really encourage a plan that just addresses the increase in exercise without addressing the diet. I don’t think that most people will continue doing that much exercise. It worked in that study because the work station on the treadmill was a part of their daily office routine. I doubt if the same people would do that much exercise at home. So controlling the diet is the easiest way to lose weight. And the six meal a day plan is the best way to keep from getting hungry. Remember though, if your meals are too big you will gain weight. Hold down the quantity to match your activity level.


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