First, I researched all I could find on "Why the body adds weight?". I found the after adulthood you shouldn't be adding weight. Ne an adult body even ow that age can vary, I reached full size at the age of 16. And today doctor's say because of the use of hormone in our food, we could have an adult body even earlier. Not really that good, because your organs are still growing and your brains aren't ready for an adult body.
Second, I realize some of my weight management is just dumb luck. I use to yo-yo around a lot. You should know the whole story because in my early 20′s I never really tried to maintain my weight or exercise, but in those days I worked blue collar and worked very hard, physical labor. I drove a route truck for Cola-Cola for 5 years, unloading 100′s of case of coke everyday with no helper and working 60 hour weeks. After that, I worked as a laborer and later a labor forman doing heavy construction. Highways, bridges, and underground tunnels. That job was very physical, both of those jobs burned thousands of calories a day but my body suffered. You can’t avoid injuries when you do hard physical labor. So when I was 32 I had a job ending injury that put me on crutches for almost two years. After that is when I started to have a weight problem.
This leads into my subject today, why we gain weight. Before my injury, I had to eat a lot because I burned thousands of calories at work everyday, but after my injury, my physical activity was almost nothing. Back in the 70′s you could smoke in a hospital, in my hospital bed and I was there for 5 weeks. After I left the hospital I decided to quit smoking which I did that same today, just threw out the pack and never looked back. I’ll never regret doing that, but in a 5 week period I stopped exercising and stopped smoking. Little did I know that this would be the end of my almost perfect body. Six foot tall, weighed 172 and all muscle.
Well, as you know if you’ve been following my blog, your body even if you do no extra exercise will burn calories just to maintain your body and your body will need to burn more calories to maintain muscle, one pound of muscle requires that you burn 6 calories a day. Fat only requires about 2 calories a day. That’s one reason the expert want you to lift weights and build muscle to lose weight. They claim that muscle will burn fat and the way to losing weight is to lose fat. It’s more important to lose fat then to lose weight. Of course by losing fat you will lose weight. Ordinary diets will help you to lose weight, but it’s usually just temporary because most of what you lost was muscle and water, only about 25% fat. It’s true, with ordinary diets 75 percentage of your weight lose is muscle. That reduces the amount of calories your body burns during your everyday activities.
So, the question is, “Why do we gain weight”?
There’s several reasons; the first obvious one is that your eating more. If all the other variables are the same, work habits, exercise, etc., the only one left is food so you must be eating more. It doesn’t have to be much. Let’s say you get coffee every morning going to work, and you have extra money now because your charge card is paid off, so now your going to treat yourself, celebrate,  but instead of just doing the cake and coffee one time, now your making a habit of this. You say to yourself ” I know I should eat breakfast but I never have time so now I have the money I’m making time. ” There it is an extra 500 calories without changing any other habits. It goes straight to your waist line. There’s no nutrition in a piece of cake or a bagel.
Another reason for weight gain can be lack of sleep, extra stress (more than usual).
Certain medications can cause weight gain like antidepressants, anti-inflammatory steroids, drugs for heartburn,blood pressure and diabetes. If you think one or more of your meds are causing weight gain, see your doctor. He might be able to change your prescription.
The thyroid produces a hormone needed for good metabolism. If your thyroid isn’t producing enough of this hormone your metabolism  will slow down and you burn less fat.
Aging also causes your metabolism to slow down, smoking and alcohol can cause metabolism to slow down.
Now some good news, water retention will cause weight gain but it’s only temporary.


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