On Good Morning American one of the first guests was Cameron Diaz, she brought breakfast for everyone on the desk. They ate Oatmeal with chopped Kale and egg whites. I eat oatmeal in the morning but I never thought of mixing Kale and egg whites in with the oatmeal. I’ll try anything once, so tomorrow I’ll try it. Kale, if you haven’t tried it, is the new lettuce. Kale in your salad, on your sandwich and now in your oatmeal. Personally, I like Kale. Kate was more nutrition than spinach. I always thought eating lettuce was a waste of time, no nutrition. Cameron Diaz is a “health nut” who knows it all when it comes to healthy food. She said that by eating foods with high nutritional value, you will fill up without overeating. I believe this to be true.

I believe, and I wrote about this before, that early man first ate what he could forage from the land. As man evolved he found he could eat plants from the sea. Then as man began to travel by boat, he discovered that he could eat fish. Then later as man spread across the land, he began to hunt for meat. So what I’m getting at, is man first ate what he needed by his instincts. He ate what his body craved and that’s how he found his food. He had no previous knowledge of what to eat or how much.

Little kids, even babies are the same way. Think about it, They want to nurse from Mother when they want nutrition. They don’t know why, the body will crave the nutrition and then the baby knows it’s time to eat. Your doctor will tell you, “Don’t force the baby to eat. They know when they want to eat.

These are the instincts we have lost over centuries. Babies are still born with them, but they loss the instincts in a couple of years. We still have cravings but now your cravings come from what’s in the foods that we eat. Sugar and salt that’s in your diet today will cause a craving for more. When you were first born your body craved nutrition, but now we’ve trained our bodies to crave sugar, salt and other man-made products in all our foods today.

These cravings will cause you to over-eat. You are eating to satisfy your sugar or salt craving, but your body wants nutrition, so your body wants you to keep eating expecting to get nutrition and it’s not coming and finally you fill up and your body is still waiting for nutrition but it didn’t get enough. You over ate but still don’t have enough nutrition so you’ll get those craving quicker than you should. Overall, by the end of the day, you consumed too many calories and not enough nutrition. If you consume nutrition from all your food you will fill-up on less food and consume less calories.

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Empty Calories”. That’s what most of us are eating today. These empty calories are much harder for your body to burn. During your normal day, your body will burn 1220 to 2500 calories depending on your size. All calories are not equal. Your body is built to burn calories that come from basic foods, like meat, fish, diary, grain. After these foods are processed and packaged for the stores and restaurants, they have been altered. Changed, so they have a longer shelf life. Additives have been put in the foods before you buy them. Changing foods by adding salt or sugar, for instance, will change your normal craving for nutrition into a craving for salt or sugar. Yes, all these changes will take time, but things like salt or sugar are in everything you eat so your body absorbs much too much and it ends up in your blood and threw out your body. This is a simple example of how man-made products will contaminate your blood and cause trouble for your liver and kidneys.

If your liver and kidneys aren’t functioning properly than your not processing food properly and your not burning calories properly and you will gain weight. The whole circle of eating and digesting food will keep your body healthy and give you the strength to continue on. But it depends on the nutrition that you get from your food. Forget what you like to eat. Don’t diet, eat for nutrition, that’s the new trend in food today.


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